单词 autistic 例句大全,用单词autistic造句:

For instance, my little brother, he's very severely autistic.
The autistic child needed a speech therapist to help him speak.
Now, the thing about the autistic mind is it attends to details.
而自闭症患者很多又是对 细节非常着迷的
And the autistic mind picks out the little letters more quickly.
自闭症患者通常会 更快的挑出小的字母
Now, let's see what's happening with babies who became autistic.
我们再来看看 这些有自闭症的孩子的曲线。
Like many autistic children, his mind was locked inside his body.
像许多自闭症儿童一样 他的思想被禁闭在身体中。
Behavior Rating Instrument for Autistic and Other Atypical Children
Evidence for autistic advantages is also coming in from new studies.
The public has a perception that all autistic children have special talents.
An autistic person who didnt speak until he was 12, he lives in New York state.
Autistic intelligence varies widely, from severe retardation to savant syndrome.
Growth experience of every person must have been the feel like an autistic child.
成长是每个人必须经历的, 一直的觉得自己是个自闭的孩子。
Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication Handicapped Children.
The present study of Psychology is the only effective method to help autistic patients.
Because the thing about being autistic is, I had to learn social skills like being in a play.
作为自闭症患者 我需要学习如何在玩耍中跟别人相处
The volunteers base their decorations on the colorful paintings produced by autistic children.
Its just that most of them were talking in terms of advocacy for rather than by autistic people.
Proceeds from the shows paid for scholarships for underprivileged students and treatment for autistic children.
Even sometimes, when the communication skills are there, an autistic child may seem to have no interest in communicating.
有时, 可是孩子对已有的交际技巧毫无兴趣。

单词 autistic 释义

  • 单词释义:患孤独症的;患自闭症的  [更多..]



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