单词 awake 例句大全,用单词awake造句:

Then suddenly she was wide awake, nerves jangling again, thoughts chaotic.
I wish a nigger had a grenade to squeeze tight to awake neighbors for acres
Stay sober but pretend to be drunk, and stay awake but pretend to be asleep.
As the afternoon wore away, I found it more and more difficult to stay awake.
You'll be awake during the entire procedure. anesthesiologist is on vacation.
Valentine the bull and a patient buzzard are waiting for the artist to awake.
I applaud the graduates to taking a abundance lot direct awake to owe degrees.
When we are awake, our sensations are constantly interfering with our thoughts.
The hypnotic state actually lies somewhere between being awake and being asleep.
Patients remain awake and the procedure is carried out using anaesthetic eyedrops.
Mind Awake Body Asleep 00 This preset is intended for use during trance meditation.
Sunday night Bob took the pills, slept well and was awake before he heard the alarm.
星期天晚上鲍勃吃完药, 睡得很好然后在听到闹铃前醒来。
There was not a human creature anywhere, not a leaf stirring, not even a bird awake.
到处没有个人影, 树叶不动, 鸟儿不鸣。
Several hours later she heard her husband awake with his normal loud ass trumpeting.
几个小时以后, 他听到她丈夫醒过来了, 象往常一样, 屁声大作。
Students need to be awake to the advantages of knowing more than 2 foreign languages.
During the night my appetite is virtually nil, even though Im awake most of that time.
在夜间, 我还是没什么胃口, 尽管我一直醒着。
I well remember how in the early autumn dawn I would run there as soon as I was awake.
我清晰的记得初秋的黎明, 我一醒来就往那里跑。
the act or process of keeping awake or mentally alert,especially for the purpose of guarding
The baby was wide awake at midnight. The student lay awake all night worrying about my exams.
I fell asleep read a dull book, and I dream that I am reading on, so I awake from sheer boredom.
Auto sleep awake f energy save environment protection. Auto power off cooling f safety protection.
自动休眠唤醒, 自动切源冷却等功能, 节能环保, 安全可靠。
When Chaoyang here, waterfowl awake, awake birds, a fishermen's also the beginning of the work day.
Meanwhile, the Monkey King had stayed awake due to his suspicions of the evil intentions of the abbot.
The company is going to cut staff, which makes him worried both when awake and asleep about losing his job.
Objective To discuss nursing and reason for awake delirium after artificial abortion with general anesthesia.

单词 awake 释义

  • 单词释义:vi.醒,觉醒,领会,觉悟;vt.唤醒;adj.警觉的,醒的  [更多..]



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