单词 bedding 例句大全,用单词bedding造句:

Experimental Study on Poplar Shavings as Bedding for Laboratory Animal
The best products for in cage bedding are pine or aspen wood shavings.
Inspect bedding Remove soil,and keep the bedding as clean as possible.
Elastic and attenuative anisotropy of bedding rock under cyclic loading
Inspect bedding Remove soil, and keep the bedding as clean as possible.
检查被褥。弄净上面的泥土, 尽可能保持卧具的干净。
The amount of water you add will depend on the bedding material you use.
B. sandstone with hummocky or sunken cross bedding and parallel bedding.
A popular housing design for cows and heifers alike includes sand bedding.
In Touch apparently has become the Official Chronicler of American Bedding.
Then, their bedding on her back and the baby in her arms, she led them away.
她背上背着铺盖卷, 怀中抱着婴儿。
PRIZING them. This resulted in me not only bedding more, but bedding hotter girls.
I know Ash, and JT has been a big help as the skipper, so Ive been bedding in nicely.
有阿什利。科尔和约翰。特里在, 对我来说一切将会很简单。
Bedding serves as indoor soft adornment more and more get of new people take seriously.
Airland spring mattress, bedding, pillows, comforters, sofas and other related products
Bedding bag Change simply a pair of bedding bag, can change the color of whole bedroom.
被套简单地更换一副被套, 能改变整个卧室得风格。
Computing method of elastic foundation beam with variable bedding value and its application
In addition, the density of texture also can affect bedding to present the tactility that come out.
Of ceaseless on craft innovation inferior straw mat, become today summer of bedding advocate dozen.
在工艺上不断创新的亚草席, 成为今夏床上用品的主打。
Sufficient ministry bedding face accumulates scar before, should use rehabilitate of free skin valve.
Effect of Bedding Ash Manure Composed of Burnt Plant and Soil in Raising Seedlings of Chinese Chestnut
Bedding is not included in the fare, but may be available for a small extra charge if booked in advance.
Still iron is made, iron is accumulated very easily to corrode by acerbity bedding face, lift coating thereby.
还有铁制造的, 铁很轻易被酸大面积腐蚀, 从而把涂层掀起。
The grandfather grabbed a large bale of corn stalks to use as bedding for the pigs and loaded it onto his back.
Xiangzi collected his bedding and just as he walked out of the gate, a torrent of abuse broke out in the courtyard behind him.
拉着铺盖刚一出街门, 他听见院里破口骂上了。
Imprint the bedding that has the pattern of intertropical amorous feelings that is full of bright beauty colour is very popular.

单词 bedding 释义

  • 单词释义:卧具,铺盖;垫草  [更多..]



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