单词 bed 例句大全,用单词bed造句:

Putting kids to bed Get them to bed in a cinch and make time for your honey!
Some of them would hide under the bed, slap and kick out from under the bed.
The Under the Bed Restraint System turns your bed into a bondage playground.
There's bed, course, and there are two pictures of movies stars above the bed.
当然有一张床, 在床的上方有两张电影明星的照片。
Maids and Butlers will now make the Murphy Bed and Heart Bed if they are messy.
In winter, give the abb that a warm color hangs on the head of a bed, wall arras
在冬季, 给床头, 墙上挂一幅暖色的羊毛挂毯
Modeling Method of Bed Load Transport Rate in Rivers with Gravel and Cobble Bed.
That's what he was doing, propping up the bed because the bed simply didn't work.
Small Bear loves his little bed. Papa Bear made the bed for him when he was a baby.
Last night three was a patient standing in front of my bed saying I was on his bed.
There is abed in the middle of the room. There is a blanket and a comforter on the bed.
卧室中间有一张床, 床上有一张毯子和一张被子。
on the bed Do not overeat, do not eat at night, feeling sleepy again when going to bed.
I woke up when I my husband fell out of bed laughing at me for trying to run in the bed.
Please lie down on the bed, loosen your belt, please. Let the doctor examine you abdomen.
请躺在床上, 松开腰带, 让医生检查您的腹部。
In the absence of anything better the settee would serve as a bed for a couple of nights.
Clinical research on primary repairing of nail bed defect by fault nail bed free grafting
The Effects on Gossypium Fertilizer Gossypium Bed Soil of New Soil Modulator of Cotton Bed
The curative effect of nail bed transplantation for repairing nail bed defect in one stage
Measurement of the Bed Level in the Horizontal Stirred Bed Reactor Based on Acoustic Method
The bed is considered to be just fluidized and is referred to as an incipiently fluidized bed.
床层可认为是刚刚流化, 并称为初始流化床。
They hang a bed-curtain in front of their bed, making their wedding room in the ancient style.
Standing at the side of the bed, near the headboard, flips the bottom sheet open across the bed.
站在床的一边, 抛床单, 而后展开到整个床上。
On the dynamic load acting on the bed rock by a trajectory jet and the protection of the bed rock
As the sampler is dragged along the bed, it collects a sample from the top layer of bed material.
取样器沿河底拖动, 收取表层河床质。
The Contrast Test between Rail Vibration Absorber Fastenings and Elastic Shoe Monolithic Track Bed

单词 bed 释义

  • 单词释义:床(位);河床;花坛,苗圃;基座,底层;(岩)层  [更多..]



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