单词 bed 例句大全,用单词bed造句:

A nursing bed which can disassemble and assemble flexibly and used for paralytic relates to a bed.
She catches her breath and lies back down on the bed, her hand resting protectively on her abdomen.
她吸了口气又躺了下来, 他的手保护性的放在腹部。
Room rate RMB15 per bed in the lobby RMB25 per bed on the2 nd and1 rd floor Breakfast not included.
Clinical experimental investigation of disinfencting effect of bed unit ozone sterilizer on bed unit
Fluidized powder bed coating of single track Conveyor of fluidized powder bed coating of single track
The Mayo Clinic says even going to bed 28minutes earlier can help some children stop wetting the bed.
Selection of the distortion ratio of model with bed load motion and the study of bed slope distortion.
Investigation on Heat Transfer between Gas and Rubber Particles in Fixed Bed and Vibrated Fluidized Bed
Influence of Mother and Neonate Lying in Same Bed or Different Bed on the Growth Development of the Baby
It is a upgrading of product for traditional iron bed, stainless steel bed and ordinary glass steel bed.
Effect of gasifying agent on gas composition of biomass fluidized bed gasification with porous bed material
Comparison of sawdust gasification in bubbling fluidized bed gasifier and circulating fluidized bed gasifier
Do not exercise just before bed. You should engage in no strenuous exercise for at least two hours before bed.
Law of bed end dilate With that wall with opposite the head of a bed, had better not place exorbitant furniture.
She was kept on absolute Bed rest under close observation with a heart monitoring system and special nursing care.
在应用心脏示波临护及特级护理下, 绝对卧床休息。
After two weeks, 70 percent in the bed rest group felt better, compared to 65 percent who were not confined to bed.
Transient variations of bed voidage and particle size distribution in expanded bed during yeast suspension loading.
Bed Flat part or table of a letterpress printing machine on which the forme is loked for printing. Also called Type bed.
Use of modified rectangular advance flap and nail bed augumentation surgery for repairing the defect of nail bed after injury
Parameters calculation of roller bed and brake plate between double length shear and cooling bed of bar continuous rolling line
Experimental Study on Cultivation and Identification of Nail Bed Cells and Organization of the Tissue Engineering Nail Bed in Vitro
With sand as filtration material, thinner bed and less contamination at the bed bottom will result in higher turbidity of effluent.
Determination of Acclivitous Angle of Bed Level in Horizontal Stirred Bed Reactor for Polypropylene by Acoustic Emission Measurement
Lie below the bed, feel the somebody on the bed again, so remittent, afflict the person dead really!Afflict the person dead really!!
Two methods of rail vibration reduction are introduced, with one employing the rail vibration absorber fastenings and the other using the elastic shoe monolithic track bed.

单词 bed 释义

  • 单词释义:床(位);河床;花坛,苗圃;基座,底层;(岩)层  [更多..]



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