单词 become 例句大全,用单词become造句:

Successional 3 days have sleep to be able to become nightmare, how can ability become nightmare
He has become inarticulate and fragile, and the line between right and wrong has become blurred.
Let oneself become a campus cleaner, let oneself become a person who keeps discipline of campus.
让自己成为一名校园清洁工, 让自己成为一名校园守纪者。
Recently, the killing and abduction of children has become a means of inciting sectarian violence.
The quest to become a permanent member of the Security Council has been quietly abandoned, for now.
Then it abandons the insurrection to itself.The insurgents become noxious, infected with the plague.
他们会抛弃起义者, 不管他们, 这时暴动者便无人理睬了。
This organization might become an encouragement to abandon baby for the parents who have a sick one.
By championing this one cause, Mr.Abe rose from obscurity to become prime minister three months ago.
通过支持这样的话题, 安倍从身份低微到三个月前成为首相。
Those criminal acts should not be allowed to become an accepted aberration of the international order.
They would have war and hegemony become norms that the whole world should abide by without questioning.
I owe it to my family to become a better person. I owe it to those closest to me to become a better man.
为了我的家人和与我关系莫逆的朋友, 我需要做出改进。
Chinese economy become stronger and stronger, meanwhile, the voice request RMB revalue become higher too.
His limbs have become numb, and his black hair has become a silver, long been the freezing of body sweat.
As renderers become more advanced, expect to see these sorts of effects become more commonplace in our work.
作为渲染更为先进, 希望看到此类效果日渐普遍的工作。
WITH the euro crisis in abeyance, high oil prices have become the latest source of worry for the world economy.
If the predictions become too accurate, people will lose their ability to make judgements and become superstitious.
The thought that to become a resurgent must become the founder of the action value, has infiltrate deep into our mind.
我们知道, 想成为复活者, 就要成为行动价值的缔造者。
Grind together with rice meal oar after wrings juice, agitate is become mushy, clear become face liquid, bottle reserves.
用粳米饭浆同研后绞汁, 搅拌成糊状, 澄清便成面液, 装瓶备用。
Positive films will become negatives after cross processing, while negatives will become positives after cross processing
反冲的正片会变为负片, 而反冲的负片则会变为正片。
It is expected that the increments will become smaller as communication networks and weather related technology become faster.
We understood that if we wanted to become part of the conversation, to have a seat at the table, we needed to become valid stakeholders.
我们明白 如果想参与对话 如果想参与决策 首先得获得席位
Luxurious living has become the current fashion. The Chinese traditional virtue of being diligent and thrifty has been abandoned by some people.
Capillary artemisia is abluent decoct juice, after entering rice, add water right amount, white sugar is added when congee is become right amount.
茵陈洗净煎汁, 入粳米后, 加水适量, 粥成时加白糖适量。
Five years later, he abandoned medicine to become editor of the Leeds Times, following the successful publication of several of his articles about self-improvement.
It is not difficult to learn a foreign language. Learning is just like making friends. Friends become more and more familiar with everyday meeting, and then become intimate with each other.

单词 become 释义

  • 单词释义:成为,变得;适合;使好看  [更多..]



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