单词 bestow 例句大全,用单词bestow造句:

Geometry is the only science that it hath pleased God hitherto to bestow on mankind.
The Passionate Giver You love to bestow presents, and not just on official occasions.
To possess my a sweetheart, also to go up to the sky to deal with my accurate to bestow.
拥有我的情人, 也到了向天空, 以应付我的准确赐给。
Hope that you remember the affection I bestow you, and let our love forever be entwined.
Bows, crossbows, and slings so enchanted bestow the fel power upon their ammunition.
My Lord Of My Heart, Please Accept My Confession, Please Bestow Power And Alteration On Me
吾心之神, 请接受我的忏悔, 请赐我力量与转机。
Deng Tong is Han Wendi is male bestow favor on, article emperor dotes on to him extremely.
Ningxia or does Yinchuan bestow favor on friend people the pet club that oneself establish
the tsar , meeting him on two occasions , did not deign to bestow a single word upon him
Governor Peis suggestion is excellent. We shall bestow on Minister Yin this beautiful carving.
I wish that God can bestow wisdom upon me, having me be able to distinguish one from the other.
愿上帝赐我智慧, 让我能够分清这两者。
The People Bestow Us the Principle of Authority and the Concept of Being in Power for the People
I wish that God can bestow a peaceful heart upon me, making me be able to accept unchangeable things.
愿上帝赐我平静的心, 让我接受我无法改变的事情。
His steadfastness gives him powers to bestow blessings to his friends and wreak cruel justice on foes.
他的对信仰的坚定使他能够祝福自己的战友, 伸张正义。
The more confident people are with your consistency, the more responsibility they will bestow upon you.
越是相信你表现一致, 他们就会把越多的责任赋予给你。
And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits
自己心里思想说, 我的出产没有地方收藏, 怎麽办呢。
However, the government does not concern me much, and I shall bestow the fewest possible thoughts on it.
The person you choose to marry is deserving of the courtesies and kindnesses you bestow on your friends.
Hands over 1000 Yuan earnest moneys then to bestow value 380 Yuan good wives an electromagnetic oven set!
Items granting skills bestow a lower skill level to those character classes who have the skill in their tree.
There is no charge to submit your work for this contest all awardwinning works do not bestow the prize in cash.
To credit Lister with the first formulation of the basic principle of stratigraphy would be to bestow credit falsely.
Based on varied flavor elementary systems, the perfume can bestow ample imagination on you by shaping different styles.
Each lasts three or four days, during which people put on their best clothes, visit, congratulate, and bestow gifts on each other.
愿上帝赐我勇气, 让我改变我能改变的事情。
And Gucci is seeking to bestow its panache on shoemaker Sergio Rossi and the fallen couture house of Yves Saint Laurent, in a series of deals valued at more than $1 billion.

单词 bestow 释义

  • 单词释义:赠给,授予;放置,安置,贮藏;〈口〉给…提供住宿,让…留宿  [更多..]



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