单词 below 例句大全,用单词below造句:

There is a higher heat production in the upper mantle below oceans than below continents.
Standard accessories include a test hook, extension rod, and compression plate shown below.
标准配件包括挂钩, 伸长干和压缩板。
To select how you would like to handle migrating accounts, click the desired options below.
要选择如何处理帐户迁移, 请从下面的选项中选择。
Several of our teachers and students were honored with awards from the ACS, as listed below.
本校多位师生荣获大会颁奖, 其名单如下。
Another exceptional case, considered below is when the explosion occurs below a cloud layer.
Article 16 Payment of unemployment benefit is administered according to the below regulations.
Key operating above and below, to escape the monitor can successfully achieve export clearance.
The prices indicated below are in South African Rand and include the applicable Value Added Tax.
Now it seems to have moved from below the ribs further down to the fight side of my lower abdomen.
A small hole drilled in the filter intake just below water level will prevent accidental syphoning.
The Dead Sea or the Salt Sea 398 meters below sea level is the lowest area on earth below sea level.
The Dead Sea or the Salt Sea 400 meters below sea level is the lowest area on earth below sea level.
The functions of Peacekeeping Financing Division and Accounts Division are described in detail below.
Very fine actin filaments extend into the microvilli and are rooted in the main mass of cytoplasm below.
More than a billion people live below the threshold of absolute poverty and in critical medical conditions.
Combining the research was impossible. Accordingly, a detailed comparison of the two studies is given below.
Some of the significant accounting policies of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund are set out below.
Him meeting below afflictive in firm circumstance throws his face, calculate do not consider psychology abnormal ?
在狠难受的情况下会自己摔自己的脸, 算不算心理变态?
Questions 6 thru 7 are based upon the information shown below. Listed below are several methods of price analysis.
Below this kind of circumstance, entrepreneur became lifelong restrict official of magisterial or accurate government.
在这种情况下, 企业家变成了终身制长官或准政府官员。
The examples below are for illustration purposes only and not an assurance or indication of the actual investment return.
Below the muscular diaphragm, which separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity, the esophagus joins the stomach.
在分隔胸腔和腹腔的肌质横膈的下界, 食道和胃连接。
The pulley below the drawer in ambry criterion pushpull is breathed, the feel when pushpull arranges bone, without sluggish acerbity feeling.
橱柜中抽屉下的滑轮则推拉无声, 推拉时手感顺骨, 无滞涩感。
The abduct below his involuntary discharge of urine battles melt into branches and leaves is dense, the of Deng Lin of fresh fruit again and again.
Their faces defy the demanding nature of their work with clean, lighthearted expressions, somehow unanchored by the heavy footsteps below dragging their way through the acrid soil.
在吐出对吃苦的无奈话语后, 总不忘咧嘴哈哈大笑。

单词 below 释义

  • 单词释义:在…下面;(数量等)低于  [更多..]



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