单词 bequeath 例句大全,用单词bequeath造句:

It will be better to bequeath it to him after my death, in my will.
The millionaire will bequeath his colossal fortune to his only son.
which treasure I bequeath and leave en.tire to him as my sole heir.
bequeath a difficult political problem to the incoming administration
And every day, the rose wilted unable to bequeath its gift to anyone.
It was to Warsaw that, at the end of his life, he bequeath his heart.
What worry me are the problems that we will bequeath to our children.
Knowledge Compensation costs should bequeath Housing Units may be owned
And what you can bequeath to this anxious world is the light of liberty.
你们能够留赠给这个焦渴世界的, 是自由之光。
Have testamentary, accede according to the will or bequeath is dealt with
有遗嘱的, 按照遗嘱继续或者遗赠办理
There is nothing of value I have to bequeath except my love and my faith.
But what we bequeath to future generations will depend on our common will.
但是, 我们将给后代留下什么, 这将取决于我们的共同意愿。
I bequeath my entire estate to my wife on condition that she marries again.
We must do so today in order to bequeath to them the tomorrow they deserve.
Such, the blain scar that still can treat bequeath at the same time and blain imprint!
这样, 还可同时治疗遗留的痘疤与痘印!
Insensible the 1 Zhou Yi person that go up, die at complication or bequeath sequela more.
昏迷1周以上者, 多死于并发症或遗留后遗症。
The elimination of violence is therefore the best legacy we can bequeath to our children.
We, as leaders, simply cannot bequeath the burden of conflicts to the next generation of Africans.
Everyone has the right to own, use, dispose of and bequeath his or her lawfully acquired possessions.
人人均享有拥有, 使用, 处分与遗赠其合法取得财产之权利。
in these caves the treasure is in the furthest a. which treasure I bequeath and leave en. as my sole heir.
When alleviating, mental activity returns to normal basically, also but bequeath is short of caustic certainly.
缓解时, 精神活动基本恢复正常, 也可遗留一定的缺损。
Take the Confucianism of the Thought of Cultivation and Read to Bequeath to the Family into Ethical Examination
Notochord is organized after mucous retreat change, it is the main source of pith nucleus to the bequeath when be born
以后脊索组织粘液退变, 至出生时遗留为髓核的主要来源
In the meantime, want problem of bequeath of pair of among them disorders, history, difference to adjust lowermost level.

单词 bequeath 释义

  • 单词释义:将(财物等)遗赠给;将(知识等)传给(后人)  [更多..]



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