单词 beret 例句大全,用单词beret造句:

Aplication of Composite Beret Truss Bearers in Bridge Construction
Men who mean just what they say, The brave men of the Green Beret.
这群忠肝义胆的军人, 正是英勇的绿扁帽战士。
This is my grandson who is a Green Beret in the Amy Special Forces.
Men who fight by night and day, Courage picked from the Green Beret.
日以继夜, 奋勇杀敌, 全靠绿扁帽赐予勇气。
Take control of the Green Beret, the spy, the sniper and the sapper.
One hundred men will test today, But only three win the Green Beret
纵有百条好汉参加考验, 但也仅有三人可赢得绿扁帽。
Beret prop arrangement of nowpoured hollow board beam and its stress checkup
He had decked himself out in a corduroy suit, a beret, a cane, a Windsor tie
他穿一身灯芯绒西装, 戴顶贝雷帽, 拿根手杖, 打条丝质宽领带。
Until then, take off your Che Guevera beret and stopcongratulating yourself.
They are identified as UN peacekeepers a UN blue helmet or beret and a UN badge.
I watched him from the train window the old man in the beret lingered on the platform.
Tradition also has it that between the ages of 8 and 12, boys weregiven a beret to wear to school.
传统习俗中, 812岁的男孩都要戴着贝雷帽上学。
Wear. The beret is worn so that the headband is straight across the forehead, 1 inch above the eyebrows.
A French beret worn by one of the Han Chinese characters in the film, for example, was nixed by Mr. Jiang.
The battledress was covered with camouflaged coton drill Denison Smock jump helmet was covered with a net or a grey beret was used.
战斗服是迷彩色的头盔上也有网来防护, 或者佩戴贝雷帽。

单词 beret 释义

  • 单词释义:贝雷帽;[军]〈英〉军帽  [更多..]



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