单词 besmear 例句大全,用单词besmear造句:

Come more than 10 years, our unremitting, in besmear outfit advanced technology respect has contribution repeatedly.
Before falling asleep in the evening, besmear antiphlogistic eye creams, if aureomycin, erythromycin eye creams, wait.
Still but will fresh potato is mincing, add right amount feed vinegar to smash slimy record, besmear is in at scleroma.
The red red cheek that sees full rouge of girth of your be affectedly bashful and that besmear, at most 14 years old!
Besmear with the bottom class in a kindergarten below lubricious activity beautiful house for exemple, talk about my practice.
Normally the circumstance falls, it is good to drench besmear face lacquer compares quality of lacquer of face rolling besmear.
通常情况下, 淋涂面漆比滚涂面漆质量好。
Chestnut flay is pounded for delicate last stage, with honey smooth besmear face, can make face bright and clean, furrow is extended.
栗子去皮捣为细末, 以蜂蜜调匀涂面, 能使脸面光洁, 皱纹舒展。

单词 besmear 释义

  • 单词释义:涂抹;弄脏;败坏;玷污  [更多..]



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