单词 bible 例句大全,用单词bible造句:

It was an antique and symbolic way of looking at the world stemming from the bible.
The two apocalyptic, most apocalyptic books in the Bible are Daniel and Revelation.
圣经里的启示书, 主要是但以理书和启示录
It is not found in the Hebrew Bible and is included in the Apocrypha by Protestants.
这是没有找到在希伯来文圣经, 并包括在伪经的新教徒。
According to the Bible divorce is an option if your marriage partner commits adultery.
The prophetic books of the Bible can be but specimens of the prophesyings of that time.
One of the great astrological stories in the Bible is the story of the star of Bethlehem.
The Vicar can always find an apt quotation because hes got the whole Bible at his command.
But I also wanted to follow the hundreds of arcane and obscure laws that are in the Bible.
So to begin with, the Bible says that Goliath is led onto the valley floor by an attendant.
首先,圣经说哥利亚 是被一个侍从带到山谷底下的
You are the only person who wants to study the Bible and the doctrines taught in the Bible!
To bring people to God with the teachings from the Bible and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
按圣经的教导, 靠圣灵的恩膏引人归主。
Apologetics vindicates and justifies the Bible's worldview with adequate reasons and evidences.
These archaeological discoveries can be fierce rejection of polytheism, the Bible crosschecked.
And it is apparent in that scholarship's negative assessment of the Priestly source of the Bible.
The monarchical period established an essential background for the writing prophets of the bible.
This 60 selected bible verses will help you establish a long term plan for memorizing bible verses.
Creationism is based on the belief that the Bible is a historically accurate account of ancient events.
According to the Bible, among his wives he had seven hundred princesses, as well as three hundred concubines.
圣经记载, 他有妃七百, 嫔三百。
The theologians used to assert that the proof the divine inspiration of the Bible rested on miracles and prophecies.
The Roman Catholic Church has no official doctrinal position on the authorship of the different pieces of the Bible.
In this paper, I take Genesis as an example to probe into the trail of the establishment of the authority of discourse in Bible.
I published the book last summer, Pedagogy of the Bible its called, Pedagogy of the Bible, and Ill set that in a little bit of context.
The American South is commonly referred to as the Bible belt of America because of the high population of Christians living in the area.
The site urges people to pressure the Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority into reclassifying parts of the Bible as indecent.
He fully oversees the church administration and faithfully transcribes the Bible Overview Message for every Discipleship Training session.

单词 bible 释义

  • 单词释义:圣经;有权威的书  [更多..]



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