单词 copy 例句大全,用单词copy造句:

Only in this way, you can accurately copy out of the image hihglights and darkened parts.
From where do you want to copy data? You can copy data from one of the following sources.
You can only copy from one period and actuality to another period and actuality at a time.
People take advantage of this substantial copy counterfeit tape, into a wealthy overnight.
众人利用这盘磁带大量复制伪钞, 一夜变为巨富。
The association between a shadow copy and the volume for which the shadow copy was created.
In addition, to the pursuit of absolute security and give up the copy of the vaccine vector.
I decided to copy the adults and lick my lips. Little Ashleys eyes opened wide at my action.
An original copy or certified true copy of the statutory declaration on permanent departure.
If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this email.
如果你不是指名的收件人, 你不应散播, 传递或者复制本邮件。
Investors had better take a conservative investment strategy, end of admission is not to copy.
投资者最好采取保守的投资策略, 不要急于入场抄底。
We intend to provide each participant in advance with a copy of all the papers to be presented.
A copy of the memorandum of understanding will be circulated as an addendum to the present note.
We send you by separate mail a copy of Certificate of Quality No.123, please acknowledge receipt.
The problems of optimizing the memory copy for driver program and zero copy technique are discussed.
Cannot scan local directory, You may not have permission to perform Aborting the file copy operation.
To apply for Academic degree Examination, one copy of transcript of annual academic year is required.
No ones idea of excellence in conduct is that people should do absolutely nothing but copy one another.
In case of any discrepancies between the Chinese and the English copy , The English copy, shall govern.
如中文与英文本出现差异, 以英文本为准。
This application must be accompanied by a copy of the third party operator's valid Business Certificate.
A copy pg the original certificate and where appropriate an approved translation should accompany all enquiries.
Copy of your valid passport Please make a legible copy of the page in your passport mentioning your personal data.
我有扫描有照片的那一页传给她, 但是她还是说我差材料
If the party concerned is an individual, a copy of the inventory may also be given to an adult member of his family.
被执行人是公民的, 也可以交他的成年家属一份。
Cost for additional copies of certificates shall be paid at the time of collection of the copies. RMB50 is charged for each copy.
The mediation agreement shall be in triplicate, and the administrative organ and each party to the agreement shall keep one copy.
One copy of the mediation document shall be held by each party concerned and one copy kept by the harbour superintendency administration.
调解书应交当事方各持一份, 港务监督留存一份。

单词 copy 释义

  • 单词释义:复制品;一本;原稿;消息;作业本;新闻素材  [更多..]



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