单词 contrast 例句大全,用单词contrast造句:

Results Gray scale and Doppler signal of abdominal aorta were significantly enhanced by contrast agent.
Contrast study of treatment for psychosomatic disease accompanied wlth melanchoilc and anxious symptoms
The reporters found that contrast, the Guangzhou Baiyun Airport in the most stringent control measures.
A so called contrast detection method is used for this adjustment of the focus of the photographic image.
Objective To investigate the manifestations of ultrasound contrast sonogram in acute gastric mucosa injury.
The authors noted that the rapid response to morphine was in contrast to the absence of any effect of placebo.
研究者还提到缓释吗啡见效很快, 而安慰剂却没有任何作用。
by contrast, the comprehensive evidence and oxygen isotope temperature may be close to the actual temperature.
To prevent contrast medium caused adverse reaction for patients by acupoints applying cooling oil and massaging
In addition to this factor of magnification, two other factors, contrast and resolution, are of great importance.
The scheme can balance performance between pixel expansion and contrast much better contrast to existing schemes.
与现有方案相比, 能较好地折衷像素扩展度和相对差。
Psychomotor retardation rate were increased in striking contrast with fall of Chinese and mathematics achievement.
In the photography, increased an enlargement mode light measuring, the contrast gradient and sharpness adjustment.
在拍摄上, 添加了增强型点测光, 对比度和锐度的调节。
In contrast the U.S. aggressor troops are afraid of death, and their officers are rather rigid, not very flexible.
而美国侵略军却怕死, 他们的军官也比较呆板, 不那么灵活。
Comparison of visual acuity between emmetropes and myopes in different contrast level in bright and dark background
In contrast the first floor accomodates the management space, with a small internal patio and terrace inbetween them.
地面层有管理用房, 其中有小型内部庭院和阳台。
Fourthly, the mathematics examination achievements of the experimental classes were superior to the contrast classes.
Does the grass folk contrast for what adult build being the ship that the distant aptitude sail can fight, how canning
草民为大人造的是能远航能打仗的船, 怎么能比呢?
The diagnostic accuracy was improved and local necrosis was detected in all renal tumors after the use of contrast agents.
Equipped with phase contrast unit, include long working distance condenser, phase contrast objective and centering telescope
The clinical observation of abnormal blood supply in hepatocellular carcinoma with intermittent second harmonic contrast imaging
Contrast Observation on Effects of Acupuncture and Western Medicine on Chronic Pulmonary Heart Disease at Acute Aggravating Stage
By contrast, all of the files that Edward Snowden took from the National Security Agency in the United States fits on a memory stick.
与此相反,所获得的文件 可以放在一个
Contrast Chinas stance on the tsunami with that of India, itself seriously affected, and Beijings behavior looks even less impressive.
Data collected by the Japanese government in 1993 shows that only 2304 of Japanese youth are thinking about supporting their aged parents, in contrast to 63% of young Americans.
It was required to analyze the image characteristics, to measure and calculate signal to noise ratio of the lung parenchyma and the muscle of thoracic wall individually, the contrast and contrast to noise ratio between the lung and the muscle of the thoracic wall.

单词 contrast 释义



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