单词 convene 例句大全,用单词convene造句:

Outside the main entrance, on sunny days staff convene on picnic tables to eat their lunch and talk about their projects.
主楼正门外, 晴朗天气里员工们坐在野餐桌旁, 吃午饭, 聊项目。
The committee will meet at least four times a year, with authority to convene additional meetings, as circumstances require.
委员会每年至少四次会议, 需要时有权召集临时会议。
The chairman may convene an interim meeting based on a proposal made by more than one third of the total number of directors.
In the same year, reinstatement of the convene in The Hague, the Netherlands des Nations Conference on behalf of the smoking ban.
同年, 复任在荷兰海牙召开的万国禁烟会议代表。
The premier shall convene and preside over the plenary sessions of the State Council and executive meetings of the State Council.
七, 总理召集和主持国务院全体会议和国务院常务会议。
Parliament must convene within 30 days of the election to choose the house speaker, and subsequently to pick the prime minister.
The board of directors shall convene at least one meeting every year. The meeting shall be called and presided over by the chairman of the board.
The measure to convene the national member representative conference and to relieve the board of directors by the Chinese national learned society
Provided that the Registrar may at any time after the audit of the accounts has been completed convene the annual general meeting which shall proceed as if it had been convened by the committee.
但官可在目完成后, 召周年大, 大予行, 如是由理事召的一。

单词 convene 释义

  • 单词释义:召集,集合;开会  [更多..]



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