The Coroner's Court handles inquiries into unusual circumstances causing death.
But what's the result? Not fucking die, and the coroner's people lives very well.
但是结果呢?不该死的人死了, 而该死的人活得好好的。
The coroner gives a look of encouragement to the juror and the accused girl wails.
He said the coroner had taken possession of the body and would conduct an investigation.
他表示, 法医将对遗体进行检验并深入调查。
Inquisition means the document recording the result of an inquiry, or coroner's inquest.
That's crap. I read the stories on the execution, and the coroner pronounced him dead spot.
Those are the main facts of the case as they came out before the coroner and the policecourt.
As if he could have known that Old Man Fellows was going to commit suicide,like the coroner said!
A report will be prepared for the information of the coroner, a canvass is also being conducted in the neighbourhood, he said.
验尸官会出具报告, 在案发附件也正在进行地毯式搜查。
Provided that the coroner may deliver such a document to a person who in the opinion of the coroner should have possession of it.