单词 cost 例句大全,用单词cost造句:

Cost control during the design stage is essential for the overall cost control of the project.
Perfect Competition and Monopoly emphasize the roles of average cost and marginal cost curves.
The productive cost of the products that have been sold out are called merchandise sales cost.
Elaborate the action of product cost and the way that reduce cost of saltpetre ammonium product.
Inventory must be measured at the acquisition cost in conformity with the historical cost principle.
In college, we've got cost inflation in higher education that dwarfs cost inflation in medical care.
大學裡,高等教育的成本膨脹 使得醫療照顧的成本萎縮
Land unit recruitment cost in campaign has been increased, with higher cost on higher difficulty level.
A Method Severed Cost from Quality for Deciding Construction Cost of Construction and Installation Work
Air conditioning cost allocation meters are the key equipment in air conditioning cost allocation system.
Education production cost pricing is an important condition for implementing education cost share system.
The afchitect eliminated the cost of furniture, rugs, and other items, in figuring the cost of the house.
建筑师在估计这房屋费用时没考虑家具, 地毯和其它物件。
There is no cost to plop, no monthy cost, no power or water is needed. No garbage is produced from these.
Cost Bottled water can cost approximately 1 for a gallon jug, while tap water costs pennies on the dollar.
花费瓶装水大约每加仑1美元, 而自来水仅需几美分。
The real cost approach has been largely superseded by the opportunity cost approach to international trade.
Perfect combination of being lead of cost and cost difference running from American Circuit City Store Inc.
The approved indirect cost rates applicable to all proposed projects are shown in Indirect Cost Rates chart.
Ex factory price; price ex factory; factory gate price The manufacturing cost excluding cost of distribution.
During the open casting, the blasting cost usually takes up a large percentage of the whole cost of production.
Simple Study on the Cost Control of the Bidding Period based on the Implementation of Project Detail Cost Evaluation
In the model, the factors, such as stock share, capital cost and operation fixed cost, etc., are taken into account.
The control system has the advance of good effects, low cost, saving manpower cost and improving the production efficiency.
该控制系统的应用效果好, 成本低廉, 生产效率提高。
The cost law is refers to the longterm stockholders rights investment according to the cost of investment valuation method.
If personal consumer expenditure does not include residential buildings cost, it certainly underestimates the cost of labor.
Cost Initial cost of progressive cavity pumps is lower compared to hose pumps, but maintenance and replacement parts are expensive.
And that doesnt include the carbon cost of fuel, or the cost of the emissions released during the production and burning of the wooden casket.

单词 cost 释义

  • 单词释义:费用;价钱;成本;诉讼费用;成本价;努力;代价  [更多..]



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