单词 costal 例句大全,用单词costal造句:

The branches sent along the way up the branch of costal cartilage and the branch of xiphoid at intercostal anterior artery.
The joint such as vertebra of shoulder, coxa, costal region, sternal handle and pubic combination also constant by drag in.
The massage scope by is small and is big, from inside to outside, but on to the costal arch, gets down to the symphysis pubis.
按摩的范围由小及大, 由内向外, 可上至肋弓, 下至耻骨联合。
The liver was enlarged with its lower edge2cm below the right costal margin. The spleen was not felt. The peristaltic sound was normal.
The liver was enlarged with its lower edge 2cm Below the right costal margin. The spleen was not felt. The peristaltic sound was normal.

单词 costal 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.[解]肋的,[动]前腺脉的  [更多..]



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