单词 crowbar 例句大全,用单词crowbar造句:

If the radiator frame is stuck, it can be released carefully by means of a crowbar.
如果散热器框架卡滞, 则可以使用一个撬棍小心地将它松开。
Crowbar circuit protection of high voltage power supply of plasma filled HPM source.
For Flanged top cover must be a screw, hammering or hardware does not allow crowbar.
I had my crowbar in one hand, and the other hand played with the matches in my pocket.
If you use a crowbar on the door, be sure to do It out of earshot of the patrolling guards.
如果你用铁撬开扇门, 要注意不会被警卫听见声音。
If you use a crowbar on the door, be sure to do so out of earshot of the patrolling guards.
如果你要用铁撬开门, 要注意不要让巡逻的警卫听见。
This fellow was porcine to such a degree that he could not fit through the average doorframe without the aid of a crowbar.
这哥们胖得像猪一样, 以致不借助撬棍, 就通不过门框。

单词 crowbar 释义



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