单词 cranberry 例句大全,用单词cranberry造句:

Can I get cranberry juice with a bit of lime in it, please.
I'll have the beefsteak with the Cranberry sauce on the side
Wisconsin is expected to be the top cranberry producer this year.
Palate is very soft with dark cherry, cranberry, and currant fruits.
Pour liquors and sour mix into collins glass. Top with Cranberry Juice.
混合入可林杯, 酸果蔓汁至八分。
Coconut rum, amaretto, cranberry juice, orange juice, and pineapple juice
椰奶朗姆酒, 苦杏酒, 红莓汁橘汁, 菠萝汁
For years shes eaten a breakfast of oatmeal, cranberry juice and a banana.
Dan Fine. Fine. But only if I can take the cranberry sauce out of the can.
好吧, 好吧, 如果由我来把酸梅酱从罐头里弄出来的话。
Effect of Cranberry on the Antioxidant Function in Aging and Irradiated Mice
And many other delicious foods! Pumpkin pies, nuts, cranberry sauce and corn.
还有很多别的美味食物 南瓜派,坚果,红莓酱和玉米。
Mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and apple pie, however, were not on the menu.
说到苹果派不在菜单上, 所以选。
Goji berries are chewy and taste like a cross between a cranberry and a cherry.
Some good things you should try though are cranberry juice, wild rice and yoghurt.
I heard that fruit juices like cranberry juice also contain a lot of antioxidants.
The earth component includes arctic cloudberry seed oil and red cranberry seed oil.
And the flight attendants eyes got wide and said, Cranberry, Dr. Pepper, and vodka.
The tartness of the cranberry make it one of the few berries never to be eaten raw.
BOUQUET Dominant aromas of black cherry and plum with tones of cranberry and currant.
The key ingredients are damask rose water, frankincense, neroli, black tea and cranberry.
它关键成份是大马士革玫瑰纯露, 乳香, 橙花, 红茶和蔓越莓。
Mix apple pucker and Crown royal and fill with Apple cranberry juice. Mix well serve with ice.
混合苹果酒及威士忌酒, 加入苹果酸果蔓汁。
Cranberry juice is often recommended to acidify the urine and discourage development of stones.
Growing and harvesting cranberries in the Cape Cod cranberry marshes, locating plume discharges.
在鳕鱼角蔓越莓池塘种植和采摘蔓越莓, 确定喷流位置。
One of the best ways to treat a bladder infection such as cystitis is with cranberry concentrate.
Mix vodka, blue curaco, blueberry schnapps. Add cranberry juice until the solution is purple. Pour in shot glass.

单词 cranberry 释义

  • 单词释义:[植]蔓越橘;酸果蔓的果实  [更多..]



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