单词 coy 例句大全,用单词coy造句:

Effects of coy carp broodstock density on the induced spawning results
Synonyms SHY , bashful, coy, demure, diffident, modest, rabbity, retiring,
Yes, she said, and she began to giggle again, sheepishly, and with a pretense of being coy.
So let me admit something right off the bat that Ive been sort of coy about up till now We goofed.
Your face glowed like ember you bent you head as if you were chuckling to yourself and played coy.
The woman was on the cloud nine when she was wooed by a playboy, but she tried to play coy with him.
这个词组不是单纯的指假装害羞或扭捏, 根据上下文来定。
Inquiring into the new technology of half enzymatic hydrolysis half koji process to produce coy sauce
WORD OF THE DAY coy bashful , shy marked by artful playfulness. I think she is being coy to get your attention!
害羞忸怩作态我想她的忸怩作态, 是想引起你的注意吧!
We look forward with more keenness to the next reunion, at which, when it takes place at a time ripe for us, we will not be coy.
我们更加期待下次聚会, 到时我们将会更成熟, 不再惺惺作态。
I step on this slip board fleeing back and forth in crowd, people appreciates numerously and confusedly, my coy doctrine Learn in fact very easyly!

单词 coy 释义

  • 单词释义:腼腆的;忸怩作态的;献媚的  [更多..]



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