Be absorbed brand design create vision a facilitator which is much accounted brand design.
This article is on how to create academic atmosphere in the campus in theory and practice.
Administrators cannot create new administrators with greater access rights than themselves.
We're sorry, we are temporarily unable to create new customer accounts for samples in China.
Clear expectations and auto parts sector peer insight, and jointly create to create success.
Special tools allow you to create buttons display, create background images and work in grayscale.
Each time you create one kilo of traditional polypropylene, you create 3.15 kilos of carbon dioxide.
abstract The purpose of the paper is to create sterile test methods for Gentamycin sulfate injection.
Each time you create one kilo of traditional polypropylene, you create 3. 13 kilos of carbon dioxide.
And that the scheme was needed at all is a consequence of Indias abject failure to create enough jobs.
create possibilities for humans poetic dwelling by breaking through accustomed ideological boundaries.
摆脱惯性意识形态的束缚, 为人类诗意的栖居创造可能。
When the business departments create and approve the model, the phase to create logical models starts.
Before attempting to wire the system together, create an accurate wiring diagram for the entire system.
在将系统连接在一起之前, 请绘制一幅准确的系统接线图。
Create eyes, nose lips etc. using 2 pixel brush. Create 2 springy antenna and place on top of the head.
画上鼻子眼睛等, 使用2像素的笔刷给娃娃画两根头发。
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the fundamental goal of business is to create a hit product.
商业的基本目标是创造一款拳头产品, 这是举世公认的事实。
As you level you will gain access to new types of components and will be able to create more powerful songs
You can create sealed implementations, virtual implementations, or abstract contracts for class hierarchies.
你可以为类体系创建封闭的实现, 虚实现, 或者抽象约定。
It begins by accepting the reality of limitless abundance, and believing that you can create a wealthy life.
What form of transportation did Aboriginal peoples and fur traders use to create trading networks in North America?
Weihui Machinery is willing to sincerely cooperate with all customers to achieve mutual benefit and create brilliance!
伟辉机械愿与各界客商真诚合作, 互惠互利, 同创辉煌!
The fertilizer is insufficient can create the crops the underproduction, too much can create the environment the pollution.
肥料不足会造成作物的减产, 过剩又会造成环境的污染。
Church members volunteered their labor to create a hospital in an abandoned shopping center. We had to rewire the building, replumb it.
Fourthly, the arithmetic of how to create the disassembly directed graph and how to create the encapsulate disassembly directed graph are given.
第四, 给出了拆卸有向图和压缩有向图的生成算法
Create Prosperity Through Power Development by the Whole Society, Exert Energies for Making New Achievement Continuously, Shaanxi Strengthens Hydropower Development
Our sense of relieved achievement and appreciation of the superb river gorge scenery combined to create a euphoric atmosphere within our little group of adventurers.