单词 goshawk 例句大全,用单词goshawk造句:

Goshawk TM vehicle headlamps shine protectors.
I was mighty, I goshawk, instant hunger, thirst or drinking.
我是雄师, 我是苍鹰, 饥即食, 渴即饮。
Goshawk Disposition aloof and proud, without masses foundation.
苍鹰性格孤傲, 没有群众基础。
Goshawk Vocational level is high, enterprising drive is strong.
苍鹰业务水平高, 进取精神强。
Goshawk is volant had not flown, goat be apt to ascends anxious to involve aid.
A goshawk, mountain Turtle Dove, Nightingale, tit, and so on more than 80 kinds of birds.
有苍鹰, 山斑鸠, 夜莺, 山雀等80多种鸟类。
Just like the groups of heroes the goshawk hovers the sky, the brave fighter howls the wooded mountain, the water is this ship life stage.

单词 goshawk 释义



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