单词 glossal 例句大全,用单词glossal造句:

In glossal both sides, it is to state liver, bravery has Yu blood.
The measurement of EMG and deglutition pressure after glossal reconstruction
Observation of glossal Epithelial Cytochemistry Indexes of White and yellow Tongue Coatings
If be not bitten, glossal brim has lump purple, the body that shows you is put in Yu blood.
Happen at the tongue unlucky a glossal tit atrophy, reaction of serological examination Kang Wa is strong positive.
Flesh of tongue of additional exterior examine has without atrophy, if glossal face is uneven, for glossal amyotrophy.
另外观察舌肌有无萎缩, 如舌面凹凸不平, 为舌肌萎缩。
WithMenstruationIll relationship is close basically be glossal form bilge, of shrivelled and glossal condition soft, hard.
与月经病关系密切的主要为舌形的胀, 瘪与舌态的软, 硬。
The tongue is qualitative violet An, or glossal edge has violet spot, heavy bowstring of arteries and veins or heavy acerbity.
舌质紫黯, 或舌边有紫斑, 脉沉弦或沉涩。

单词 glossal 释义



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