单词 glowing 例句大全,用单词glowing造句:

the passageways walls leaped out on either side, brushed with glowing amber.
在琥珀色光芒的拂扫下, 两边露出通道的墙壁。
Use daily to improve skin elasticity, for a smooth, glowing, healthy complexion.
glowing red vents ejecting lava into the sea, and lava flows across the seafloor.
This is going to be a glowing source first, which is like bioluminescent bacteria.
In the end, the fire even burned its glowing way through the ironclad church doors.
最后, 火焰甚至都烧到包着铁皮得门上。
She gave a glowing description of the film, which made me want to see it for myself.
The hero was myself and there was a glowing anticipation of the arrival of a heroine.
Among all these glowing hearts and thoroughly convinced minds, there was one sceptic.
在这一伙热情奔放和信心十足的心灵中, 却有一个怀疑派。
Look at the sunlight a glowing ribbon draped along the dark pelt of hemlock and pine.
The specimens may not burn with flaming or glowing combustion up to the holding clamp.
At night, you can watch the firered glowing lava tumble down the side of the mountain.
I took a drag on the glowing cigarette and began coughing and sputtering from the smoke.
Here, delicate rings of colorful glowing gas outline the tenuous walls of the hourglass.
Unexpectedly, through the darkness shot a pair of piercingly bright, glowing green eyes.
The children ran into the house from the beach, their face glowing with health and vigor.
Outside the hot, glowing gas is cooler material consisting of hydrogen molecules and dust.
在灼热的气体外边, 是由氢分子和灰尘组成的较冷的物质。
She pulls him down until they are kneeling, facing each other on the faintly glowing moss.
This impressive ridge may have been created in the glowing gas by hot star's powerful wind.
这个弓形, 可能是因恒星强有力得星风产生得。
Plants and mushrooms sway in a silent breeze, glowing with an eerie iridescent purple light.
Its glowing edge indicates that it is being photoionized by the hottest stars in the cluster.
Danielle is applying to colleges. I do hope she can count on you for a glowing recommendation.
To keep her skin glowing and blemish free she cleanses her skin and applies moisturiser every day.
为保持皮肤亮泽, 没有斑点, 她每天清洁皮肤, 使用润肤剂。
Shevchenko was still glowing from AC Milan's Champions League triumph against Juventus a few months earlier.
This complex of structures, ranging from the Glowing Clouds and Holy Land Archway on the waterside, to the Gate that Dispels the Clouds, and the Hall that Dispels the Clouds
从临水的云辉玉宇牌坊至排云门, 排云殿。
In the motorized wheelchair, a boyish face dimly illuminated by a glowing computer screen attached to the left armrest, is Stephen William Hawking, 46, one of the worlds greatest theoretical physicists.

单词 glowing 释义

  • 单词释义:灼热的,灼炽的;热心的,热烈的;鲜艳的;脸色红润的;热烈赞扬的  [更多..]



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