单词 growing 例句大全,用单词growing造句:

Because of the growing popularity of the piano, the demand of piano tuning is also growing.
Prudent emerging economies have taken advantage of a growing acceptance of their currencies.
A housewife had been accused of murder, and her trial was growing more sensational each day.
一名主妇被指控谋杀 她的案子变得越来越轰动。
In the growing tooth period gum is possible ache, then to affect her appetite and the sleep.
在长牙期间牙龈可能会疼痛, 进而影响她的食欲和睡眠。
Management advisory services are among the fastest growing practice areas in accounting firms.
Studies on the Ecological Adaptability of Growing Rice with Floating Bed on the Natural Waters
I would like to analyze the reasons why a growing number of teenagers are addicted to gambling.
Study of Intestinal Absorption for Calcium in Different Dietary Levels of Calcium by Growing Dogs
Fengxiang and Liquan June temperatures continue to rise, shoots stop growing to advance the date.
Be pretty good of course, when investing rich at present, growing is firmer method, accrual ideal.
There continue to be a growing number of potential therapies to down regulate stellate cell activation.
The growing medium should be equal parts of sand and loam with an admixture of peat moss and cow manure.
Once these hangars were used to accomodate a Soviet missile base, today they serve for growing mushrooms.
A study on the adaptability of local caves for the storage of fruits in main growing areas in North China
The explanation begins with the apical bud. This bud is at the end of the actively growing tip of the plant.
Results The most common clinical manifestations were abdominal distension, growing and palpable abdominal mass.
Effect of Nitrogen Level and Top Dressing Proportion on Growing Stages and Dry Matter Accumulation in Winter Potato
The Impact of The Traditional Chinese Medical Additive on the Enteric Bacterium and Productive Trait of growing Pigs
Effect of compound feed on the growing characteristics and feed nutrient digestibility in growing and finishing pigs
All these characteristics indicated that the leaf structure of W. indica could well adapt to its growing environment.
The studies on the predictable model of the absorbed amino acid supply at the proximal duodenum in growing beef cattle.
Now the remarkable thing about blood vessels is that they have this ability to adapt to whatever environment they're growing in.
血管不平常的地方 是它们有能力 适应任何生长环境。
In order to accelerate close canopy of new plantation Phyllostachys nuda forest, fertilization experiment on new growing bamboo was carried.
Perhaps remorseful about the lost child and distanced by his absorption with his work his only real passion and his growing fame, Mileva became increasingly unhappy.
Comparison of leaf anatomical structure between Salix gordejevii growing under contrasting habitats of Otingdag Sandland and Salix microtachya var. Bordensis growing on the lowlands of dunes

单词 growing 释义

  • 单词释义:生长的;成长中的;增长的;初期的困难(或问题等)  [更多..]



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