单词 grouchy 例句大全,用单词grouchy造句:

Let him look, he grouchy!
Economist Wu Jinglian is grouchy.
In fact, hes akin to a grouchy bear.
Too grouchy, some of the girls would cry.
I am grouchy due to lack of recent physical intimacy.
我因为最近缺少肌肤之亲, 所以心情不好。
He is very grouchy is, microsoft is backward competitor.
他非常不兴奋的是, 微软落后竞争对手。
Cummer is grouchy, those who say how are done below this ah!
女友不高兴了, 说你这下面怎么搞的呀!
Why, can the person always have sadness Be always can grouchy
为什么,人总是会有悲伤呢 总是会不高兴呢
Taoism priest all over the face grouchy, drank gatekeeper at once.
Sometimes she is grouchy, but all in all she is an excellent teacher.
有时候她的脾气很坏, 但总的来说她还是一位好老师。
Come In, Field Mouse. This Is Early Bird, starting to get just a little grouchy.
说话, 地鼠。这里是晨鸟, 我要抱怨一下。
Even though her coach was often grouchy, she maintained a broad smile a good attitude.
她的教练经常发怒她总是咧嘴微笑着, 保持的态度。

单词 grouchy 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.<美>不高兴的,不满的  [更多..]



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