单词 guinness 例句大全,用单词guinness造句:

Had not thought that, this book reputation has already far exceeded the Guinness black beer.
Matthew McKnight hopes nobody manages to top his feat in the Guinness Book of World Records.
There are the world's biggest natural Whispering Gallery, has been included in the Guinness Book record.
有世界最大得天然回音壁, 已被列入吉尼斯记录大全。
The latest edition of the Guinness Book of World Records has been a bestseller for three weeks in a row.
Drawn from a container, esp of beer from a barrel Try some draught Guinness; it'll put hairs on your chest.
Guinness agreed to take the part on the condition that he would not have to do publicity to promote the film.
在不必参加电影宣传的前提下, 他才同意接受这个角色。
One man has allegedly gone on Ghostrider 2,400 times and is looking for a place in the Guinness Book of Records.

单词 guinness 释义

  • 单词释义:n.英国产强性黑啤酒之一种,其商标名  [更多..]



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