单词 hack 例句大全,用单词hack造句:

After three and a half years with Outward Bound, I was ready to go hack to school.
Osbaldiston jabbed his finger at it, harking hack to our conversation about Roger.
When Ralph began developing a chronic smokers hack, he gave up smoking all together.
Early settlers had to hack out a clearing in the forest where they could grow crops.
As a hack writer, Ban Gu's course of literary works can be divided into two periods.
Hanging is not the original hack, plus a few of the oil dipper I started cooking the.
原来吊未下锅, 加了几瓢的油我又开始炒菜了。
Consider reporting the hack to the appropriate agencies and affected parties, including
In addition to the hack being easy to accomplish, it can also be automated using scripts.
此破解除了本来就容易实现, 还可以用脚本使之自动化。
Using tools that hack or otherwise alter the World of Warcraft client or server software.
使用的工具, 可以创造或改变的世界阴客户或服务器软件。
Mrs. Kennedy and her children had not been hack there since just after the assassination.
he was no longer an amusing, talented hack writer, just one of a crowd of London journalists.
他还没说完, 来了。和他同来的许多人都带着刀, 棒。
A database backend is too dangerous and unfriendly. What if I need to hack on the data directly.
There is no doubt that it is a criminal offence to hack into others computers and get secret data.
毫无疑问, 非法侵入他人电脑获取机密资料是刑事犯罪。
You have to be strong and confident and never give the slightest impression that you can't hack it.
你必须坚强自信, 千万不要给人留下丝毫你应付不来的印象。
But if my quest for fame and riches does not succeed, I 'll perhaps look hack and blame Indiana Jones.
You arent to absence to see his final side, you are the heel capillary that wanted to hack off a Tong mansion.
Kerwin Hack, a counsellor at HR consultancy Fairplace, therefore suggests larding CVs with phrases extracted from the job ad.

单词 hack 释义

  • 单词释义:乱劈,乱砍;非法侵入(他人计算机系统);应付;骑马;开出租车  [更多..]



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