单词 guard 例句大全,用单词guard造句:

From early adolescence, we are taught to be on our guard and vigilant at all times.
在青春期前期, 我们一直被告诫要保持警惕。
Boston announced guard Eddie House declined to exercise his option for free agency.
First, he agreed with his Old Guard friends that such a move would disrupt the Gop.
Aaron Kwok Shishenyangyan performance was closely guard the important parts or fall.
The Picture of Groin Guard, the Groin Guard made of cowhide and inside steel molded.
图片腹股沟卫队, 腹股沟卫队制成的牛皮和内部钢成型。
First, he agreed with his Old Guard friends that such a move would disrupt the party.
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You only command my advance guard and you have no right to make any truce without my order.
能指挥我的前卫, 如未接获我的命令, 您无权擅自停战媾和。
After the Winona address, Midwesterners were certain that Taft had deserted to the Old Guard.
Juyan since ancient times for access to the natural channel, the military guard to the military.
自古为出入居延得天然通道, 是兵家扼守得军事要地。
One is that the they have underestimated the ability of the United States to guard their secrets.
其一, 过低估计了美国自己的保密能力。
An aggressive defense tactic in which players guard opponents closely,often over the entire court.
The key of guard countermeasure in accident of safety for vehicle ship is a scientific administration.
The aerial shall be suitably earthed to guard against lightning strikes and shall be securely mounted.
When a student goes through formal education, he must be on his guard when it comes to what he absorbs.
We Should Be on Guard Against the Tendency of Teaching Science in Primary Schools as an Academic Subject
Were they afraid of Mr. Ackerman, the old bank guard, who hadn't pulled out his gun in twenty-two years?
Males are highly territorial and will aggressively guard their land. Females are slightly larger than males.
One is what guard and consolidate Hua Anren civil administration counterpoises suppress bandits the fight out.
The Doom guard that is summoned by Pit Lord Doom is now immune to dispel, discenchant, abolish magic and purge.
Of course, the Guangzhou team needs to maintain a stable state of mind, not aggressive, to guard against cloacae capsized.
当然, 广州队需要保持稳定的心态, 不能冒进, 谨防阴沟翻船。
From Shaun Kobe How ya doin? Well, my question is, do you like playing shooting guard or small forward more? Thanx in advance!
We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
We must guard against or overcome the tendency to be formulistic and abstract, which produces monotonous, stiff, mechanical and stereotyped works.
According to introducing, burglarproof of door of guard against theft two large main component part are door body and lock of guard against theft.

单词 guard 释义

  • 单词释义:守卫;看守;保护  [更多..]



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