单词 guy 例句大全,用单词guy造句:

He's that accountant that embezzled millions from some Vegas wise guy.
How could you go about getting acquainted with a cute guy at a party ?
Would you stroll into a police station afterward and take a guy hostage
He was a very vain guy that he would not admit that he had debt problem.
因为极自负, 他不愿承认果园有问题。
So I went to a guy who practises deep massage, acupuncture, cupping, etc.
Surrounded by guardsoul the little guy can perish the old guy thoroughly.
Actor So Ji Sub becomes a sorrowful guy who keeps bullets inside his head.
That guy is hopeless. All my admonitions are like water off a duck's back.
With all this cash lying around, you'd think a guy could afford new rounds.
这么多的钱摊在地上, 看来这小子是可以再玩几局。
These are a watch for a guy who loves BMW but may not be able to afford one.
There was a joke about a guy who sued another guy for calling him a gorilla.
Look, that guy over there is trying to scrape up an acquaintance with Joanna.
看, 那边那个人正在和乔安娜套近乎呢。
This guy is too stubborn – I'm afraid I won't be able to talk him out of it.
Guy de Lusignan When I wish a blacksmith to advise me in war, I will tell him.
And eventually, we're going to hear the little guy just fall into the bigger guy.
This guy sees his new neighbor out in his backyard, so he decides to get acquainted.
有个男人看到他的新邻居走到后院, 他想过去认识一下。
Look, that guy always tries his best to take advantage of that girl with blonde hair.
No, as part of the audition. See, Im up for this part of this guy, who the main guy kisses.
I need you to tell the cops you were having an affair and that I just beat up the wrong guy.
去告诉警察你有外遇 我想教训下那家伙,但是找错人了。
That young guy painfully reminisced of the dark days when he was deeply addicted to the drugs.
These were then addressed by Guy Massey, working with Audio Restoration engineer Simon Gibson.
Some video guy in front of me is actually dancing to the abominable jazz theyre pumping in here.
It is particularly useful where guy lines are secured pickets and an adjusting knot is required.
And along the way I met this real short guy at a slide show in the Silicon Valley. He came up to me afterwards.
在硅谷做演讲时, 我认识了一个个子很矮的人。
A bad accident in a Stock Car race in Melbourne, Australia. The car does 14 flips and leaves the guy practically untouched!

单词 guy 释义

  • 单词释义:男人;家伙;一群男人/女人;盖伊模拟像;拉索  [更多..]



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