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They hae found that it is connected with theof days and the phases of the moon.
Many studies hae demonstrated the low yield of non directed diagnostic testing.
Infant vaccinations hae been cited as possible etiologic factors atopic disease.
Preious research has suggested that tea also hae protective benefits against cancer.
We should be pleased to let you hae samples to gie a demonstration at your premises.
The tumor cells lining the septa hae clear cytoplasm and small hyperchromatic nuclei.
Menopausal women who still hae a uterus take a combination of estrogen and progestin.
A studio apartment may hae a separate kitchen, but the living room is also the bedroom!
一室公寓房也许有一个分开的厨房, 但起居室也兼做卧室。
We hae the pleasure to acknowledge your faour of yesterday adising 25 cases for Shanghai.
Most studies hae not examined these associations in a large group of postmenopausal women.
Howeer, to the authors' knowledge, no studies hae assessed whether this hypothesis is true.
There hae been no requests from couples seeking to select a child with a genetic abnormality.
To our knowledge, only 3 cases amyloidoma inoling cervical spine hae been reported preiously.
This myth began because egg yolks hae the most concentrated amount of cholesterol of any food.
Because ions hae electric charges, having gained or lost electrons, they attract their opposites.
由于离子具有电荷, 可以得到或失去电子, 它们之间异性相吸。
In summary, when evaluating intracranial vascularity, various different parameters hae been used.
总之, 在评价颅内血管时, 用了各种不同的参数。
Those who hae Huntington's commonly die from complications of the disease, as falls or infections.
In fact, indiscriminate ordering of tests can hae potentially serious and deleterious consequences.
Finally, for the first time, authors include discussion of palliative care for hae had acute stroke.
The researchers hae not reached the maximum tolerated dose and are continuing to enrol new patients.
研究者还没有找到最大的耐受量, 现在正招募新的病人。
Historically, metal rings, wire mesh, and other materials hae been used to improve acetabular fixation.
以往, 金属环, 钢丝网和其他材料被用于加强髋臼固定。
Does supplier hae data to demonstrate capability to register microia hole pattern to the underlying layers ?
We inform you that we hae this day remoed to Shijiazhuang, where all correspondence should be addressed in future.
Air pollution, exposure to radon, and occupational exposure to asbestos hae all been implicated in lung cancer risk.
If elastic bands and barrettes are used at all, they must not be tight. They hae been noted to cause traction alopecia.
如果用皮绳和夹子, 不要太紧, 他们会引起牵引性脱发。

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