In this paper, we expound a main distinction between finite dimensional space and infinite dimensional space.
Expound on the Terms of the Supervision Mode Which the Independent Director Combines With Board of Supervisors
Homework after class expound your understanding for role function of a news purveyor combining with the facts.
ObjectiveTo inquire and expound the newest development of revascularization treatment in coronary heart disease.
Finally, expound the concrete suggestion on enlarging the case scope of our country administrative procedure law.
And they expound general procedure and basic methods for university students to take part in scientific research.
Objective To expound antivirus spectra and the mechanism of the antiviral action of the antivirus powder injections.
Besides, it will expound the actuality and difficulty of national logistics liability insurance development recently.
Expound the basic theory of decision making, and analyze the basic definition and hypothesis of group decision making.
阐述了群决策的基本理论, 分析了群决策的定义和基本假设。
To expound the commonness and changes of the diseases is the basic characteristic treatment on differentiation as well.
阐常述变, 也是仲景伤寒论辨证施治的基本特征之一。
This paper attempts to point out the typical errors in some model versions, then analyse, expound and prove these faults.
Using analysis method of games theory to expound the supervision and management to power supervision and management committee.
Gongyangstudies is an academic school to research on and to expound cardinal principles of righteousness of The Spring and Autumn Annals.