单词 extraneous 例句大全,用单词extraneous造句:

I guess the fact that my buddy never laid a finger on anyone is just an extraneous detail.
我朋友从未对任何人动手, 但是这只是一个无关的细节。
The phrase is extraneous and gratuitous to the subject matter of the rest of the paragraph.
这个措词是附加的, 与段落其余部分的主题没有关系。
Biogeochemical Cycle and Residue of Extraneous Rare Earth Elements in Agricultural Ecosystem
Working on a document in a window and want to get rid of all the extraneous background noise.
Extraneous material is eliminated and therefore the weight of armouring is kept to a minimum.
and a filtrating section connected to the cover section for removing the extraneous substance.
与上述罩部连接, 用于去除异物质的过滤部。
Characteristics of extraneous prestress variable crosssection boxtype continuous girder bridge
Application and development of the extraneous prestress technology in the birdge construction.
generally speaking, the extraneous risks are in the buyer thought when necessity only then buys.
一般来说, 附加险是在买方认为必要时才买的。
Even professional promotion is something extraneous what a pity is has corrupted so many people!
至于举业乃分外事, 可惜坏了多少人。
eliminates the extraneous lists around the traversal subexpression and results in the following.
extraneous noise contaminating sound measurements that cannot be separated from the desired signal.
attempting to demean the witness by asking all sorts of extraneous questions about his personal life.
Reductant from an extraneous source is introduced. The stolen goods were all restored to their owners.
The analyte should have no interference from other extraneous components and be well resolved from them.
There are adequate precautions against contamination by microorganisms, chemicals, filth, or other extraneous materials.
The solution is verified with a numerical example, its results without extraneous roots agree with the original equations.
Effects of Shading and Extraneous Source Sucrose on Petal Color and the Photosynthetic Characteristics in Paeonia suffruticosa
Observation on effect of self abdominal dropsy reinfusion after extraneous concentration to treat patients with refractory ascites
Methods for detection of extraneous gene and its protein product in transgenic herbicidetolerance soybeans and their processed products
In the book Why We Buy, retail anthropologist Paco Underhill uses extensive studies of shoppers ' behavior to prove shopping can be influenced by a variety of seemingly extraneous factors.

单词 extraneous 释义

  • 单词释义:外部的;外来的;无关的;不相干的  [更多..]



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