单词 facility 例句大全,用单词facility造句:

The telephone hotline facility providing information on consent applications has been enhanced.
High power facility or triphase facility can be ordered together with transferring testing box.
NCR Financial Equipment Systems ATM manufacturing facility was inaugurated and began production.
The study provide the theoretical base for high yield facility cultivation of Golden sun apricot.
Standard Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Protection of Occupant Assets
Combined heat and power systems often use absorption technology to heating and cooling to a facility.
热电冷系统 利用吸收式制冷技术给设备供暖和制冷。
Power equipment department shall be responsible for the acceptance of new equipment and new facility.
Additionally , National is the only accredited heavy equipment training facility in the United States.
此外, 国家是唯一认可的重型设备在美国的训练设施。
Huckleberry was filled with admiration of Tom's facility in writing, and the sublimity of his language.
The Government of Italy has also assisted with the refurbishing of the women's prison facility in Kabul.
The facility should have a written policy specifying the youngest age for workers hired in the facility.
Which was taken, without authorization from my mess facility, and I will not tolerate thievery in my unit.
It serves as an information centre, an educational institute, a research facility and an outreach programme.
它是一个信息中心, 教育机构, 研究设施和外联方案。
Every syslog message logged is associated with a timestamp, a facility, a severity, and a textual log message.
Does your facility weigh, mark, count and document what products are received and shipped out of your facility?
对接收和出港的货物你们进行称重, 贴签, 清点和记录吗?
On common problems of smoke abatement and evacuation facility in high civil architecture and its countermeasures
Discussion on comprehensive technology of the facility and culture on the apple planted in Salt and alkaline land
There has been a substantial increase in use of antenatal care and delivery services at the local health facility.
To those who have the facility and the attitude to live in isolation, such that a group organized in a fraternity.
The element birth facility in ADINA is used to model the continuous deposition of filler material into the gro ove.
焊缝及附近的环向残余应力在内, 外表面均为拉应力。
The vacuum shape change of vacuum target chamber in prototype facility has been analyzed using finite element method.
Suitable for the terminal filtration of the air conditioning system and the air cleaning facility needing large air flow.
Polyester steel and iron manufacturing facility , cement facility , excellent strength, high resistance against abrasion.
涤纶钢铁制造设备, 水泥设备, 具有高强度, 强耐磨性。
Have successively held the posts of unseal technician of plant of empty cent facility, engineer, assistant factory director.
Additional clinical history Before referral to this facility, the patient originally was thought to have herpes simplex viral encephalitis.

单词 facility 释义

  • 单词释义:设备,设施,便利条件;能力,天赋;灵巧  [更多..]



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