单词 fade 例句大全,用单词fade造句:

With the light beginning to fade,the two exhausted armies drew apart.
Sense of ambiguity, memory disturbances, and life does not fade away how
意识模糊, 记忆混乱, 生命怎还不消逝?
So fade white angel wings, as the embodiment of the devil come to earth.
于是天使褪去洁白的羽翼, 化身为恶魔降世。
The youth flower bloom and fade, lets me exhaustedly not regret actually.
Thank u for let me absolutely realize that love can fade with the seasons.
Mean while, to fade the yellow and avoid the erosion of harmful substances!
同时, 还能很好的退黄和避免有害物质的侵蚀!
When the Dowager abolished the old examination system, he had begun to fade.
The color screen has a huge viewing angle and doesn't fade in direct sunlight.
But would this innocent and blossoming girl fade away like a withered flower ?
Flowers are destined to bloom and fade, It's best to enjoy living in the present.
花开花落天然事, 活在当下最天然。
Business cycles did not fade away, but their amplitude did moderate substantially.
This has a black background, with fireworks that fade in and out of the background.
Its typical for a manufacturing boom to fade at this point in an economic recovery.
在经济复苏的时候, 作为代表的制造业的繁荣出现减弱。
The constant whooshing of the wind across the roof wouldn't fade into the background.
The papules last several hours, then fade and are replaced by bluish pigmented spots.
Fade fine lines and wrinkles, relieve edema, fade dark circle, and make eyes shining.
As blossoms fade and fly across the sky, Who pities the faded red, the scent that has been?
Can see Annes madder new appearance, my in the idea allay had scruples after hours all fade.
When grain look line in order to see tiny blood bead advisable, wipe with tampon not fade can.
Sophie felt hollow as she listened to the clicking of Teabing's crutches fade down the hallway.
索菲听着提彬的拐杖声消失在走廊的尽头, 感到一阵空虚。
And, because of all this, my heart is breaking And I fear for my bright cheeks, lest they fade.
One by one, red and green signal lamps shine out while the emerald mountains fade into a grey blur.
Concomitant use with other acne clear series, to fade the scar, prevent the formation of blackheads.
Concomitant use with other acne clear series. to fade the scar, prevent the formation of acne and blackheads.
The dreamland will fade the numerous flower can also be on the wane. But you had had will accompany you to perpetuate!

单词 fade 释义

  • 单词释义:变暗淡;褪色;逐渐消失;逐渐减弱;衰退,衰弱  [更多..]



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