单词 fan 例句大全,用单词fan造句:

The efficiency cooling fan is combined with a specially designed fan shroud to meet this need.
The Fan Pipe Management of Air Conditioning Mediastinal and abdominal lymph nodes were cleared.
I was reading your letter and wondering what middle aged cranky beatle fan it was who wrote it.
For example, adjusted according to the different fabric and process exhaust valve and fan speed.
Immediately ashed the cigarette, still use hands in the air fan the fan, I apologize for a laugh.
马上掐灭了香烟, 还用手在空中扇了扇, 对我抱歉一笑。
The high efficiency cooling fan is combined with a specially designed fan shroud to meet this need.
The blower fan adopts blower fan special for the cooling tower,1 blower fan for each cooling tower.
In addition to the decision point configuration, it's also possible to set a timeout value for Fan In.
Discrimination between the Features of Remote Sensing Images of Alluvialdiluvial Fan and Debris Flow Fan
The main floor fan cheers warmly in abundance, reveals appearance to the Ataisite sentiment of affection.
Analysis and Control of Bearing with High Temperature for Rotary Blade Adjustable Axial Induced Draft Fan
He switched the fan on, and as each soapbox passed the fan, it simply blew the empty boxes out of the line.
The third time Monkey came for the fan he decided to turn himself into the Bull demon King. He got the fan.
第三次, 悟空变成牛魔王模样, 骗得真扇。
An accessory of fan electromotor was taken as an example to show feasibility and correctness of this method.
The airflow system uses the centrifugal fan with the air volume adjuster. Airflow velocity may be regulated.
Experiment and Research on Meridian Accelerated Speed Type Ventilation Fan with Series Arrangement Rear Blade
Experimental research on near field pressure fluctuation and far field aerodynamic noises in a cross flow fan
This is useful in ensuring that the configuration of the Fan In and corresponding Fan Out complement each other.
Perspective Cooperation Opportunity of Fan Zhu Triangular Regional and Prominent Competitive Advantage of Guizhou
Ours Circular duct fan is base on combined China and abroad advanced technology and designed as a new type of fan.
The title of Chapter 61 of Journey to the West is"Sun Wukong's three time acquiring of the palm-leaf fan."
And then automatic adjustment of grades of the wind force of the electric fan is achieved without manual regulation.
这样实现了电风扇风力等级的自动化调整, 无需人工调整。
If we talk about fan gifts, my absolute favorite is a guitar pick shaped metal necklace with a caricature of my face.
如果说是粉丝送的, 最好的是一个吉他, 项链上是我的漫画。
Talking about Fan ye's orientation of thinking and writing from literary achievements of The book of later Han Dynasty
The properties of maximal fan designs in relation to structural characters and maximal number of maximal fan designs are obtained.

单词 fan 释义

  • 单词释义:扇子,风扇;迷,粉丝;扇形物;扬谷机  [更多..]



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