单词 failing 例句大全,用单词failing造句:

Failing to be a beautiful beautiful scenery is to experience the rose dying young gleam.
After failing a singing audition at the Metropolitan Opera, she turned to musical comedy.
Marginal lands need care. Failing to take that care might only make a bad situation worse.
贫瘠土地需要料理, 料理不周只会使境况变得更糟。
Failing to sign or affix a seal on the testing report according to the relevant provisions.
If you're putting off your happiness until you accomplish something, you're failing at life.
Failing to pass the examinations for admission to college he had to get in by the back door.
The president has been accused of failing to articulate an overall vision in foreign affairs.
Education, perhaps Brazils biggest failing, seems to be getting worse rather than better.
Failing to accept the applications for administrative license that meet the statutory requirements.
failing to demolish the temporary building or structure at the expiration of the approved time limit.
临时建筑物, 构筑物超过批准期限不拆除的。
It is the first time a group has been penalised for failing to comply with a Brussels antitrust ruling.
A man is particularly vulnerable to this incorrect belief.It gener ates within him the fear of failing.
Failing the customs formalities accordance with Article 19 the case of any alteration the business items.
Analysis and Treatment of Common Failing of Curved Girder Bridge with Single Pier and Single Hinge Bearing
Amnesty International accuses Russia of failing in its human rights obligations in Chechnya and Ingushetia.
Second, bogey anger failing to anger, not angry, not angry, so as not to harm the physical and mental health.
忌怒气遇事不怒, 不生气, 不发脾气, 以免损害身心健康。
In another instance, an investor backed an entrepreneur in a business that thereafter appeared to be failing.
在另一个例子里, 某投资者资助了一个日渐衰落的公司。
Those failing to exercise effective control and supervision shall also undertake liability arising therefrom.
Sanctions will be imposed on those failing to meet the conditions of their benefit or found playing the system.
I said at a meeting held in Dazhai that a failing agriculture would be an obstruction to industrial development.
Our clients claim an allowance of at least 50 cents per yard. Failing this, they will reship the goods back to us.
Failing to treat parents kindly makes the person guilty of disobedience to parents as well as to Allah the Almighty.
Persons failing to leave are liable, with the approval of the Prosecutor's Office, to detention and forced expulsion.
经检察官办公室批准, 须将未能离开者拘留并强制驱逐出境。
This paper introduces several shows of common failing construction pillar quality of as well as administers the measure
That's why the Trustees for Alaska, a public interest law firm, has sued the U.S. government for failing to protect areas vital to endangered marine mammals.

单词 failing 释义

  • 单词释义:n.失败,缺点,弱点,过失 ;prep.如果没有... ;adj.失败的  [更多..]



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