单词 extremely 例句大全,用单词extremely造句:

Obviously, arranges the class algorithm the accuracy, highly effective is extremely essential.
A calculation of acetone temperature field under extremely high heat flux within a short time.
The minerals in the rock show that the water was not just salty, it was also extremely acidic.
AnaemiaIron deficiency anaemia is an extremely in extremely common both in the UK and worldwide.
In other words, the percentage of poor and extremely poor households decreased in absolute terms.
I think the chances of getting reforms accepted by the community at large remain extremely remote.
The scene of the traffic accident is covered with blood and brains, which is extremely disgusting.
So, although that would be really, really awesome, again, that's extremely, extremely impractical.
所以尽管这是个好想法 但是也极不现实
Atomic clocks rely on regular oscillations of caesium atoms to keep time and are extremely accurate.
It is extremely delectable for us to have accepted your application for the membership of Student Union.
On top of that weirdness, magnetars have the added quirk of possessing extremely strong magnetic fields.
最奇怪的是, 磁星竟然拥有极强的磁场。
extremely beautiful Cicada sound is in summer extremely rise from all directions, boisterous The fallen.
Corruption and of abuse of the government against the people is extremely common in some poorer countries.
And you smiling face, extremely shallow extremely weak, gradually retreated into the sunset group of haze.
而你微笑的面容, 极浅极淡, 逐渐隐没在日落后的群岚。
The reporter kept asking the Prime Minister extremely acidic questions, which caused him to begin to sweat.
So there is an extremely practical significance to probe into test methods for shock absorber abnormal sound.
因此, 探讨减振器异响的检测方法就具有很强的现实意义。
Universities are for learning, so it's no surprise that academics are extremely important when selecting one.
The Ching dynasty already accomplishes recovering to Taiwanese, pays close attention to day relation extremely.
In accordance with psycholinguistics the process of language acquisition is extremely a complex psychological one.
It is essential that seam allowances are extremely accurate, and that the ends of each folded in the following order.
In retrospect, the past 100 years of human existence have been extremely exciting, and extremely frightening as well.
The gestation accompanied by severe hepatitis and acute fatty liver of pregnancy was extremely hazondous to pregnant woman.
Since I frittered away my time and accomplished nothing, I am extremely grateful that you have put me in an important position.
我马齿徒增, 如今能受您重用, 不胜感激。
The competition was extremely fierce and only the students with exceptional academic performance and personal qualities could be selected.
名额竞争激烈, 学校选送的都是品学兼优的学生。
Management of two patients with intestinal form of acute radiation sickness and extremely severe bone marrow form of acute radiation sickness complicated with disseminated fungous infection

单词 extremely 释义

  • 单词释义:极端地;非常,很;去;绝  [更多..]



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