单词 exuviate 例句大全,用单词exuviate造句:

The label is not reused, paste as a seal, bridge is, exuviate.
该标签不可重复使用,作为封条时,粘贴牢固 ,不易脱落。
Old Beijing is in exuviate carapace, although the wall Imperial Palace still is of bricks red.
Usability pledges besmear of gentle embellish skin frost is on the lip, massage gently next let its exuviate go.
In the meantime, network literature still should learn slow come down, exuviate goes the stink of money and blundering.
同时, 网络文学还应该学会慢下来, 蜕去铜臭与浮躁。

单词 exuviate 释义

  • 单词释义:蜕皮,脱壳;蜕化  [更多..]



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