单词 chunky 例句大全,用单词chunky造句:

the dumplings were chunky pieces of uncooked dough.
A shaggy style that has lots of chunky layers all over.
Molly Hello, Chunky Meat Restaurant, how may I help you.
Her taste in fiction was for chunky historical romances.
Its also chunky physique than the koala, is very ridiculous.
它的体型比树袋熊还短粗, 显得很可笑。
I had to use an chunky electric saw to cut some of the parts.
a chunky spanish tomato vegetable soup which is served chilled.
Carol I was looking at stuffed animals, and Susan wanted a Chunky.
我在找填充动物娃娃, 苏珊则是想吃强奇巧克力。
Across the Atlantic, Blairs chunky memoir will seem even more antique.
Besides, we proposed a model for the growth process of chunky graphit.
In my imagination, it was kind of digging up big chunky urns with a shovel!
在我的想象里, 考古学就是用铲子挖出又大又粗的罐子。
The taillights, chunky and efficient, have a nice physical edge to them.
This animal is chunky and shortlegged, with a body sometimes thirty inches long.
这种动物矮胖结实, 足短, 身高有时达30英寸。
Chunky type of personality associated with recycling significantly higher incidence.
I love the living room, with its dark woodwork, oriental rugs, and chunky furniture.
wear loose fitting thin layers of light clothing rather than a heavy , chunky sweater
穿著松身薄衣, 而不要穿厚重的运动衫
Peel and deseed the avocado.Place it in a bowl and mash, it can be left slightly chunky.
牛油果压碎, 吞拿鱼沥干用叉子搓碎。
Experimental Study on the Chunky Pressurized Composite Yttrium Heavy Rareearth Nodulizer
Formation Cause Analysis and Prevention of Chunky Graphite of Heavy Section Ductile Iron.
Simmer, stirring frequently, until tomatoes have broken down into a chunky sauce, about25 minutes.
They range in color from glassclear to a dark mahogany and in consistency from watery to chunky to a crystallized solid.
They then place the kernels between two Flintstonesize slabs of rock, grinding them into a brown paste, which resembles chunky peanut butter.
She was the incarnation of confidence, this chunky, smiling girl, no star athlete, but a typical child who, years ago, might have been left behind in the old win-lose version of PE.
She was a chunky kid, with a good tan and a sweet broad softlooking can with those two crescents of white just under it, where the sun never seems to hit, at the top of the backs of her legs.
She was a chunky kid,with a good tan and a sweet broad softlooking can with those two crescents of withe just under it,where the sun never seems to hit ,at the top of the backs of her legs.

单词 chunky 释义

  • 单词释义:矮胖的;粗短的;厚实的  [更多..]



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