单词 cilia 例句大全,用单词cilia造句:

A linguiform process possessing dense cilia and pits is found at the distal axis of each lamella.
The long cilia covers with to spread, rosy small mouth side, a wisp of blood touches eyes fearful.
长发披散, 红润的小嘴边, 一缕尟血触目惊心。
Curative Effect Observation of Endoscope Guided Maxillary Tube Irrigations in Immobile Cilia Syndrome.
Certain eukaryotic cells can swim freely in liquid environments, propelled by whip like cilia or flagella.
On the free surface of epithelial cells there were numerous cilia, microvilli and microapocrinal vesicles.
Pseudostratified epithelium can also possess fine hairlike extensions of their apical membrane called cilia.
Furthermore, many epithelial cells of the mucous membranes contain cilia that actively remove microorganisms.
A significant role for primary cilia in endothelial cell activation and dysfunction is suggested by R. Krams.
Yu text Yi any doesn't favor the little cousin's cilia as well rashness, likewise have not persistence to him.
Results Cilia and ciliated columned epithelium were found with degeneration and swelling in the trachea mucosa.
The cilia and the mucous cells play important roles in choosing food particles and delivering food to the mouth.
The cilia were very densely packed together. Goblet cells covered by microvilli were found in the cilia forests.
Study on the impairment of trachea mucosa cilia caused by trachea humidifying drug administration after tracheotomy
Circumference microtubules could be found in cilium, but only the central microtubule near the distal end of cilia.
The results show that the gill surface of all five species have frontal cilia,lateral cilia and laterofrontal cirri.
The cilia move the bacteria out of the nose into the throat passage where they are swallowed and disposed of in the stomach.
Artificial crystal a loop for fastening a button is inside bursa bag, in cilia shape channel Yi Yi causes pupil clip one to hold.
人工晶体襻一个在囊袋内, 一个在睫状沟亦易引起瞳孔夹持。
System of state of cilia of iris of clew of positive of room water glitter is phlogistic, proper treatment should give before art.
房水闪光阳性提示虹膜睫状体炎, 术前应给予适当治疗。

单词 cilia 释义

  • 单词释义:睫,纤毛;睫毛,纤毛( cilium的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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