单词 coco 例句大全,用单词coco造句:

Fatty acids, coco, reaction products with ethanolamine, ethoxylated.
Studies on the hygienics and safety of a fermentive foodNata de coco.
COCO I dont understand this essay assignment. What am I supposed to write
Shows the graceful makings of COCO , reveals fashion glamour all without.
展示出可可的优雅气质, 无不透露着时尚魅力。
If you are interested in this item, please contact with coco Tang. Thanks.
Isolation and Control of Contaminating Fungi in Production of Nata de Coco
I got two CDs yesterday. One is of Backstreet Boys, the other is of Coco Li.
If you are interested in this item, please contact with Ms Coco Tang.Thanks.
如果你对此款产品感兴趣, 请联系我司唐小姐。谢谢!
May my legend prosper and thrive.I wish it a long and happy life.Coco Chanel.
愿我的传奇昌盛繁茂祝它绵延不绝, 永远快乐。可可香奈儿。
Characteristics of soil fauna in the Dongjiao coco forest ecosystem in Hainan
Coco What Dont you remember We have to turn in our history papers next Monday.
Analysis on Tactics of Coco Colas Sports Sponsorship Program for Olympic Games.
COCO Not again! She always does that! It wasn't empty. There was still a little.
The application of sodium coco sulfate in personal care products is related here.
Enrich with Cucumber Extract, Aloe Vera Leaf Extract, Pure Gold, and Coco Glucose.
以黄瓜提炼品, 芦荟薇拉叶浸出物, 纯金和用椰子。
CoCo Lee launched her singing career after majoring in biochemistry at University.
The name Coco Chanel conjures up elegant and expensive clothing, jewelry and bags.
香奈儿这个名词让人想起高雅又高价的衣服, 珠宝和背包。
I was thinking of having dinner with CoCo at that new Italian place near her house.
Brontispa longissima Gestro, important quarantine insect, was recorded in Coco.
Coconut Shell Charcoal is fired by the shell of coco, its form is lumpish or mealy.
椰壳炭化料是由椰壳烧制而成, 其形状为块状或粉状。
MILAN Francesco Coco has moved from FC Internazionale to Livorno on a oneyear loan deal.
If you are interested in this item, please dont hesitate contact with Ms coco Tang. Thanks.
如果您对此款产品感兴趣, 请联系我司唐小姐。谢谢!
Stir sticky rice powder and coco plasm.use them as stuffing.At last mould them into little apple.
将糯米粉跟椰浆, 拌匀蒸熟包馅, 做成小苹果的形状。
Moratti could be willing to offer even Materazzi and Coco who are appreciated and needed by Papadopulo.
Did you know every second more than 15, 000 Coco Cola Drinks are being consumed in the World Which makes it 1. 4 Billion oz.

单词 coco 释义



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