单词 concern 例句大全,用单词concern造句:

Current system of academic concern for many Military Order, Research has yielded fruitful results.
Nevertheless, certain characteristics of informal agency processes give special cause for concern.
Management of the emotional distress that accompanies chronic or acute pain is of foremost concern.
The temperature coefficients of the resistors used for this adjustment are of an important concern.
While there is material abundance in this modern world, they need more concern on their inner world.
Thank you in advance for your concern and attention. Please let me hear from you as soon as possible.
To further allay the concern, we agree to defer the commencement of the relevant provision by one year.
为了进一步消除疑虑, 我们同意将这项建议延迟一年实施。
Handling data acquisition, and exceptional conditions that may result from it, is not a business concern.
Additionally, we express our concern about the detention of elected officials of the Palestinian Authority.
Concern was also expressed at the delay, backlogs and level of effectiveness of the Administrative Tribunal.
From the nineteenth century, since the seventies aroused the concern of the international academic community.
The rise and fall of the English nobility has always been the very concern of the academic circles worldwide.
The press corps accompanying Nixon did not concern themselves with the longrange implications of the journey.
Can concern section strut to ache at the same time, also can have calorific, limply wait for systemic symptom.
After the introduction of the legislation concern was expressed about the flood of patients requiring abortion.
实行这法令后, 担心会有相当数量的人要求流产。
One concern is that studies with treadmills may not accurately reflect what happens outside on a scorching day.
Now that the Administration is drinking poison to quench thirst of this type of development is a cause for concern.
Objective To study the humanistic concern for the influence of patients with acute myocardial infarction rehabilitation.
My delegation also wishes to express its concern at the directive of return recently adopted by the European Parliament.
Examine the concern in Lear with the distinction between getting down to essentials and concern with the trappings of life.
Additionally, the prohibition of capital punishment for juvenile offenders remained of particular concern to the Special Rapporteur.
compassion thoughtfulness sympathy benevolence kindheartedness forbearance attentiveness accommodation kindness respect concern kindliness
照顾, 关心, 体谅, 体恤
In addition to the concern of becoming obsolete, the Chambre Syndicale is dealing with the idea of exclusively - some feel too much, some feel not enough.
'Dear Abby'. With these two words, millions of letters have begun their outpourings of anxiety and concern, seeking an answer to emotional or family problems.
The voices of reading, together with the sounds of wind and rain, are so harmonious to the ear; Affairs of the world, as well as those of home and country, all need our concern.

单词 concern 释义

  • 单词释义:担心;令人担心的事;关心(的事);分内之事;公司  [更多..]



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