单词 connoisseur 例句大全,用单词connoisseur造句:

Every wine connoisseur will be delighted by its long, intensive finish.
To verify the gem's value, we consulted a connoisseur of rare diamonds.
You would not be a self indulgent wiener , sir. Youd be a connoisseur.
To simplify, tea is for the traditional and coffee is for the connoisseur.
OK, Mr. Coffee Connoisseur, so whats the next step in the coffeemaking process
好了。咖啡鉴赏家先生, 那么煮咖啡的下个步骤是什么?
My uncle posed as a connoisseur in paintings while actually he was only a layman.
If Joe and the connoisseur only know that it is a red wine, they may strike a deal.
如果乔和鉴定家仅仅知道那是红酒, 他们会达成一份交易。
Jacques, an art connoisseur, has amassed an art collection, but it will all be sold off.
It Is good to meet a fellow connoisseur. I will see to It that the door Is left unlocked.
The wine show in China Connoisseur, teaching ordinary people how to appreciate grape wine.
葡萄酒鉴赏家以娱乐, 轻松的方式教普通人如何欣赏葡萄酒。
Are you buying for a guest, overseas visitor, a caberent connoisseur or a wine collector
This is not a song for everyone.This is for the connoisseur of the Chinese classical songs.It.
I consider myself a connoisseur when it comes to finding great deals on groceries and kids clothing.
When a connoisseur has a chance to get a bargain, he tends to forget whether it will serve any purpose.
It's a connoisseur's reaction of delight, and it opens its mouth and sticks out its tongue and starts to suck.
这是行家喜悦的表现,他张开嘴 伸出舌头 开始吮吸。
The discovery of a swift courser capable of running a thousand Li a day is invariably preceded by the emergency of a horse connoisseur like Bole. Swift coursers are available more often than not, but people like Bole are rarely found.

单词 connoisseur 释义

  • 单词释义:鉴赏家,鉴定家;行家,内行,权威  [更多..]



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