单词 connection 例句大全,用单词connection造句:

This portable system is designed for experimental vehicle data acquisition sensor connection blocks.
A brief analysis of earth connection in residential electrical design and equal potential connection
And the absence of systems that function break the connection which got you all in this seat tonight.
而体制的欠缺 足以摧毁让你们今晚得以坐在这里的联系。
It provides connection to a footbridge across Luen Chit Street and is accessible from Wing Fok Centre.
The accessories such as changed size connection pipe and insulation cover can be attached upon demand.
Keep The Connection Of Distribution According To Work With Distribution According To Productive Factor
Every connection pool is associated with distinct connection string, it is specific to the application.
每一个连接池和精确的连接字符串相对应, 指定到应用程序。
Geomembrane connection and seepage volume computation for imperfect connection as well as its influence
Automatic transaction enlistment occurs when the connection is opened or retrieved from the connection pool.
The midsection ache, eructation, nausea and vomiting were in consanguineous connection with proximal stomach.
Click Add Raster Image or Surface Connection. Insert the Connection name and locate the folder of the images.
点选加入点阵式影像或地形连接, 选取您要加入的影像档案
Exploration on the Connection between Accounting Theory Teaching and Practice in Secondary Vocational Education
Remote Assistance connection could not be established because of a network connection timeout. Please try again.
不能建立远程协助连接, 因为网络连接超时。请再试一次。
A certain connection has been detected between the sounds and meanings of monosyllabic acronyms in modern Chinese.
The only part of me that connected with him physically was my lips but the connection I felt with him was absolute.
Monolithic integrated circuit connection the microcomputer connection realizes two kind of information form exchange.
The legal and judicial system provides protection and redress in connection with allegations of abuse of human rights.
Inspects the accumulator cell the ground connection polarity, this gasoline engine uses the cathode ground connection.
The connection is kept in a pending state while awaiting acknowledgment from the originator of the connection, Host A.
Abstract A piece of eccentricity equipment is added between gooseneck and cargo table to realize the rigidity connection.
摘要在鹅颈与货台之间增加一偏心装置, 可实现刚性连接。
On Difference and Connection between Administrative Offences On Difference and Connection between Administrative Offences
The nunchakus are characterized in that the nunchakus also include a connection section connected with the connection rope.
The Way of Reducing the Error of the Voltampere for Measuring the Resistance by a Series and Parallel Connection Adding Resistance
Ad valorem stamp duty is payable by the transferee in connection with the acceptance of the rights to subscribe for the Rights Shares.
An outofthebox site optimized for report access and management, including a report library, data connection library, and a dashboard template.

单词 connection 释义

  • 单词释义:关系;连接;人脉;接头;联运;亲戚  [更多..]



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