单词 computer 例句大全,用单词computer造句:

Huimai computer, not only sells computers, but also let everyone learn computer Hardware Theory!
Industry Plotter Computer maintenance, installation Computer Products Agent Software Development.
Next, the young man utilized his computer knowledge to teach other employees to operate computer.
Minicomputer is a small computer, larger than a microcomputer but smaller than a mainframe computer.
Rapid manufacturing is a computer file sent directly from the computer to the manufacturing machine.
快速制造是用计算机档案 直接由计算机送到制造设备上。
Still having station of computer of two pieces of diminutive is dinkum , each have a computer above.
还有两张小型的电脑台倒是纯粹, 上面各有一台电脑。
Research of Computer Graphics and Design of Computer Composition Shape to the Standard Involute Gear.
Data transmission between the control computer and data processing computer of PMO13.7m radio telescope
So that to achieve real time data transferring to host computer and receiving host computer instruction.
Typesetting computer Computer programmed control eliminates human influence to quality of coal sampling.
a symbol that appears on the computer screen to indicate that the computer is ready to receive a command.
So all this vast amount of information is then fed into the computer, and the computer can do two things.
A malicious computer program designed specifically to replicate itself and spread from computer to computer.
恶意计算机程序, 专门复制其自身并在计算机之间传播。
Generally, electronic computers are classified into two groups the digital computer and the analogue computer.
通常计算机可分为两类, 数字式和模拟式计算机。
Computer composition principle, simulation realization computer instruction system function, WINDOWS, Program Document
It is possible that the computer is of low grade, and the time frequency is too low, please change for a new computer.
Management of information technology to speed up computer networks, computer graphic design proofing series transformation.
管理上加快计算机网络信息化, 电脑图案设计打样系列改造。
His brother bought his first computer only a month ago, so it is valid that he had doubts about his brother's computer skills.
a drive with its own power supply and fan mounted outside the computer system enclosure and connected to the computer by a cable
I have been very active in school activities. I am one of the computer freaks who just can't take my eyes off the computer screen.
The front end is composed of a client computer, or the computer network of an enterprise, and the applications used to access the cloud.
E-MAIL, although ephemeral in nature, actually has enormous staying power because many copies are made upon transfer from computer to computer.
The new model computer from the Apple Macintosh company, and called iMac, not only has advanced computer specifications but the names of fruits.
Voice messages that come into the same personal number can be turned into emails for delivery to the desktop of your computer or to another person's computer.
The simple marketing strategy of making the computer coloured, as well as introducing many technical innovations, has given the Macintosh computer a new lease of life.

单词 computer 释义



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