单词 commercially 例句大全,用单词commercially造句:

There are also software encryption packages which are available either commercially or as free software.
The software commercially available on a handful of phones, competes with similar software from Microsoft.
这款软件在一些手机上已经配备, 与微软的类似软件竞争。
This method had been used for centuries, since way before regular toothpaste became commercially available.
Using commercially available crimping pliers, press the eyelet together with the tension cable in two places.
The researchers estimate that it will be at least five years before the STAIR cell is commercially available.
研究人员估计, 这将是至少五年后可达商用水平。
Commercially it is manufactured by the reaction of fluorine with dichlorodifluoromethane or chlorotrifluoromethane.
Celluloid had been commercially available for decades as a substitute for tortoise-shell, horn, bone and other materials.
With commercial management, managerial accountability is strengthened, giving managers the freedom to operate commercially.
The swimming crab, Portunus sanguinolentus, is one of the most commercially important and productive crustaceans fished in Taiwan.
Regrettably, new commercially available technology will also in time fall into the greedy hands of those in the business of counterfeiting.
What is the most valuable commercially is not to be found on the surface of the earth, nor is anything else really worth having to be obtained without trouble.
好鱼水底游。好鱼难捕, 宝物难得。

单词 commercially 释义

  • 单词释义:adv.商业上,通商上  [更多..]



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