单词 conducive 例句大全,用单词conducive造句:

These measures will be conducive to enhancing the universality of the convention and the future protocol.
For that reason, it is important to create an environment conducive to the holding of credible elections.
Such traits are conducive to tractability, which is essential for appropriate handler control in the field.
That is the only way conducive to removing misunderstanding and properly settling bilateral trade disputes.
这样才有助于消除误解, 妥善解决国与国之间的贸易争端。
It has been known to us that the protein is conducive to the construction of the eggshell Calcium carbonate.
Systematic experiments made on light fastness of mulberry metal complex dyes are conducive to light fastness.
Too many regulations are not conducive to the development of foreign trade or an increase in foreign earning.
好多制度不利于发展对外贸易, 对增加外汇收入不利。
Foreign economic and trade development will be conducive to the promotion of speedy national economic growth.
Most experts believe that teaching evaluation, formative evaluation is more conducive to promoting learning.
Too many levels of indirect election are not conducive to enhancing the representativeness of the institutions.
The State Council shall formulate fiscal and tax policies conducive to the implementation of cleaner production.
Having breakfast at your hotel and snacking at outdoor cafes are also conducive to making friends while munching.
The combination of production sectors, schools, and research sectors is conducive to the overall development of our society.
Foreign flavor in translation is conducive to the cultural exchange between nations and the enrichment of the target culture.
保留洋气有利于文化的交流, 有利于丰富本民族的文化。
That the social development on the national scale must be strengthened and a climate conducive to development must be created.
Develops a conducive work relationship with colleagues in other departments to effectively carry out the mission of each task.
与其它部门的同事和谐相处, 顺利完成某些工作任务。
Bringing the issue under multilateral discussions is not conducive to the settlement of the dispute, but will only complicate the matter.
他说, 这就是南北双方唯一本质上的分歧。

单词 conducive 释义

  • 单词释义:有助于…的;有益于…的  [更多..]



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