单词 considerate 例句大全,用单词considerate造句:

He is a considerate and kind-hearted person, I am sure that he will help you.
You were considerate and that you sent me a birthday card was also considerate.
This insecurity is infuriating and the antithesis of considerate human behavior.
In addition to being considerate, helpful products and people must also be smart.
That was considerate of Joe, he thought. Then he closed his eyes and slept again.
他倒很体贴, 他思想, 又闭上眼睡着了。
We have top technology, strong capacity, superior quality and considerate service.
本公司技术一流, 实力雄厚, 品质超群, 服务周到。
I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind and the gracious favor of Almighty God.
He was too courteous and considerate to make stubborn subordinates bend to his will.
他对人很客气, 体贴, 不迫使固执的属下服从他的意愿。
Be considerate Do not drop food scraps and litter in public places. Be civic minded.
He expressed gratitude to the King for his warm reception and considerate arrangement.
Ursula laid her embroidery in her lap and looked up, her face was calm and considerate.
The company will provide good training, competitive remuneration and considerate benefits.
Hello, Anna! Thank you for sending me the congratulation cards, you are always considerate.
你好, 安娜!谢谢你的贺卡。你真是个有心人!
He can analyze the situations advance and makes out a considerate plan, which is the wisdom.
对整个抢劫案事先分析清楚, 计划周严, 这就是智慧。
She was a very considerate person, always patient and in fact was the merchants confidante2.
她非常体贴, 总是很耐心, 事实上是商人的知己。
My mother was extremely happy to receive those flowers on her birthday. You were really considerate.
Since I am now preparing for the university entrance examination, my mother is very considerate of me.
However, students are still expected to be polite and considerate of their teacher and fellow classmates.
但是, 学生仍被要求尊敬老师, 团结同学。
A nurse is an article of clothing covering your shoulders gently, providing you with a considerate warmth.
护士是一件衣裳, 轻披在肩, 体贴温存。
In our shop the attitude of Being meticulous and considerate in service will leave a deep impression on you.
Though he looked cold and stern, he is very considerate. He always tries his best to help those in difficulty.
Machismo means men should be brave and openminded while femininity means women should be tender and considerate.
Pile it on, can arrive the side Cape, very considerate, delete the details to does not lose to bag again in hand.
夸张, 能到边到角, 无微不至, 删去细节又不失囊括在手。
Building considerate products is not necessarily substantially more difficult than building rude or inconsiderate products.
Being considerate in saying wise words, and conducting oneself in a noble way are the methods for building a harmonious friendship.

单词 considerate 释义

  • 单词释义:考虑周到的;体贴的  [更多..]



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